Dialogue - Thai


Vocabulary (Review)

เจ้า jâo god, lord, proprieter
บริการ baaw-rí-gaan service, to serve
รายละเอียด raai-lá-ìiat detail
ราย raai individual, person, case, instance
ทัวร์ thuua tour
บริษัท baaw-rí-sàt company
ที่พัก thîi-phák accommodation, lodging
หมอดู mǎaw-duu fortune teller, astrologer
ใครๆ khrai-khrai anyone
แม่น mâen accurate

Lesson Notes


Lesson Focus

The Focus of This Lesson Is เกี่ยวกับ (gìiao-gàp), Which We Use to Mean "About" or to Indicate a Topic.
dtàae phlaawy wâa man mâi gìiao-gàp mǎaw-duu ràawk ná khá.

"But I'm telling you this isn't about any fortune teller."

We use เกี่ยวกับ (gìiao-gàp) to mean "about" or to indicate a topic. We use it just like the English word "about," with a noun following it to indicate the topic or object. The first example from the conversation was รายละเอียดเกี่ยวกับราคา (raai-lá-ìiat gìiao-gàp raa-khaa), meaning "details about the cost."

In this phrase, we use เกี่ยวกับ (gìiao-gàp) to link two nouns together. The second example from the conversation was มันไม่เกี่ยวกับหมอดู (man mâi gìiao-gàp mǎaw-duu), meaning "it's not about the fortune-teller."

In this phrase, เกี่ยวกับ (gìiao-gàp) has the negative particle before it. And again, we use it to link two things: in this case, a pronoun and a noun.

We also commonly use เกี่ยวกับ (gìiao-gàp) to link a verb with a noun. Here are some examples of this.

For Example:

  1. แดนพูดเกี่ยวกับครอบครัว
    daaen phûut gìiao-gàp khrâawp-khruua
    "Dan speaks of his family."
  2. คุณกำลังคิดเกี่ยวกับอะไร
    khun gam-lang khít gìiao-gap à-rai
    "What are you thinking about?"
  3. ผมเรียนเกี่ยวกับเศรษฐศาสตร์
    phǒm riian gìiao-gàp sèet-tà-sàat
    "I study economics."

Key Vocabulary & Phrases

กี่ราย (gìi raai)
This phrase is a question asking "How many individuals?" or "How many instances?" กี่ (gìi) is the question word "how many?" and ราย (raai) is a classifier that has a wide range of possible meanings. Among its possible uses are "case," "instance," "person," "story," "account," "record," and "item." It is used often in work situations, such as in the conversation where they are talking about the number of bookings being made.

อีกที่หนึ่ง (ìik thîi nùeng)
This phrase simply means "one more." อีก (ìik) means "another" or "again," and ที่ (thîi) in this sentence is a very general pronoun that could mean "person," "place," or "thing." Its exact meaning will depend on the surrounding context. หนึ่ง (nùeng) is of course the number "one," so altogether, อีกที่หนึ่ง (ìik thîi nùeng) gives us "one more thing," or simply "one more." To use this same pattern with a number greater than one, the number would come before ที่ (thîi). So "another two" would be อีกสองที่ (ìik sǎawng thîi).

โทรเข้ามา (thoo khâo maa)
This phrase means "to call in." โทร (thoo) is the verb "to call on the phone." It comes from the word for telephone, โทรศัพท์ (thoo-rá-sàp). So it is just like saying "to phone" in English. เข้า (khâo) is the verb "to enter" or "to go in," and มา (maa) is the verb "to come." However when มา (maa) follows another verb it indicates the direction of action relative to the speaker. In this case it means the call is coming in towards the speaker from somewhere outside.

Cultural Insights

How to Tell the Future in Thailand

The Thai word for a fortune-teller is หมอดู (mǎaw-duu), which literally means "doctor of looking." หมอดู (mǎaw-duu) are quite popular in Thailand, and the average person will consult with one at least twice a year. Fortune-tellers can be found set up in public parks, along the sidewalk, in some shopping malls, and near the entrances to temples. People seek their advice for many issues such as determining marriage compatibility, forecasting finances, choosing lottery numbers, constructing new buildings, installing spirit houses, and avoiding danger.

The type of horoscope used in Thailand is a complex mix of Chinese, Indian, and Western astrology systems. The year of birth is important, following the Chinese zodiac. Likewise, the day of the week on which one was born is important, following the Indian system. Dream interpretation is considered important as well. Many fortune-tellers have large illustrated charts filled with possible dream scenarios. Apart from these, fortune-tellers also use physical features to tell fortunes. They perform palm reading according to a Chinese style in which they analyze many aspects of the surface of the hand, such as the temperature, texture, and appearance of shapes. Another system they use to give fortunes is based on the location of moles on the body.

หมอดู (mǎaw-duu) usually work on a donation basis. But this works to their advantage. Clients don't want to appear stingy, so they often feel compelled to make a generous contribution to the fortune-teller.

Lesson Transcript

Jing: สวัสดีค่ะ sà-wàt-dii khâ
Ben: Ben here! Upper Beginner Season 1 , Lesson 1 - The Future is Predictable in Thailand.
Jing: Hello everyone! I'm Jing, and welcome to ThaiPOD101.com.
Ben: With us, you'll learn to speak Thai with fun and effective lessons.
Jing: We also provide you with cultural insights...
Ben: ...and tips you won't find in a textbook.
Ben: In this lesson you'll learn about เกี่ยวกับ, gìiao-gàp used to mean "about" or to indicate a topic.
Jing: This conversation takes place at the office of a travel agency in Bangkok.
Ben: It’s between Ploy and her boss, the owner of the travel agency.
Jing: The speakers are of unequal social levels, so Ploy will be speaking polite Thai towards her superior.
Ben: Let’s listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

เจ้าของบริษัท น้องพลอย วันนี้มีทัวร์เข้ากี่รายจ๊ะ
พลอย เช้านี้มีโทรเข้ามาบุ๊คไว้ 3 รายแล้วค่ะ อีกที่หนึ่งกำลังดูรายละเอียดเกี่ยวกับราคาที่พักอยู่
เจ้าของบริษัท เห็นไหม พี่บอกแล้ว หมอดูเจ้านี้แม่นจริงๆ
พลอย แหม แต่พลอยว่ามันไม่เกี่ยวกับหมอดูหรอกนะคะ บริษัทเราให้บริการดีอย่างนี้ ใครๆก็อยากใช้บริการค่ะ
Ben: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
เจ้าของบริษัท น้องพลอย วันนี้มีทัวร์เข้ากี่รายจ๊ะ
พลอย เช้านี้มีโทรเข้ามาบุ๊คไว้ 3 รายแล้วค่ะ อีกที่หนึ่งกำลังดูรายละเอียดเกี่ยวกับราคาที่พักอยู่
เจ้าของบริษัท เห็นไหม พี่บอกแล้ว หมอดูเจ้านี้แม่นจริงๆ
พลอย แหม แต่พลอยว่ามันไม่เกี่ยวกับหมอดูหรอกนะคะ บริษัทเราให้บริการดีอย่างนี้ ใครๆก็อยากใช้บริการค่ะ
Ben: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
เจ้าของบริษัท น้องพลอย วันนี้มีทัวร์เข้ากี่รายจ๊ะ
Ben: Ploy, how many tour groups did we get today?
พลอย เช้านี้มีโทรเข้ามาบุ๊คไว้ 3 รายแล้วค่ะ อีกที่หนึ่งกำลังดูรายละเอียดเกี่ยวกับราคาที่พักอยู่
Ben: This morning we had three calls to book already. One other is looking over the details of lodging prices.
เจ้าของบริษัท เห็นไหม พี่บอกแล้ว หมอดูเจ้านี้แม่นจริงๆ
Ben: You see? I told you so! This fortune teller is really spot on.
พลอย แหม แต่พลอยว่ามันไม่เกี่ยวกับหมอดูหรอกนะคะ บริษัทเราให้บริการดีอย่างนี้ ใครๆก็อยากใช้บริการค่ะ
Ben: Oh! But I’m telling you this isn’t about any fortune teller. Our company provides such a good service. Anybody would want to use our services.
Ben: Hey Khru Jing, it looks like Ploy’s boss really believes in this fortune teller.
Jing: Yeah, that’s not unusual for Thai people at all. We like to visit fortune tellers pretty often.
Ben: And what kinds of things do you ask about?
Jing: Oh, you know, the usual stuff; love, money, careers, lottery numbers.
Ben: Ha! Asking for lucky lottery numbers is a waste of time.
Jing: Oh, why do you say that? Thai people are really into the lottery. A lot of times we look for numbers even in our dreams.
Ben: Just think about it Jing. If the fortune teller could really guess the winning lottery numbers, why don’t they just buy their own ticket and hit the jackpot? Then they could take it easy and wouldn’t have to sit by the sidewalk waiting for customers all day!
Jing: Hmm...that is a good point.
Ben: Right? Anyway, let’s have a look at the vocabulary!
Ben: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word we shall see is:
Jing: ทัวร์ [natural native speed]
Ben: tour
Jing: ทัวร์ [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jing: ทัวร์ [natural native speed]
Jing: ราย [natural native speed]
Ben: individual, person, case, instance
Jing: ราย [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jing: ราย [natural native speed]
Jing: รายละเอียด [natural native speed]
Ben: detail
Jing: รายละเอียด [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jing: รายละเอียด [natural native speed]
Jing: ที่พัก [natural native speed]
Ben: accommodation, lodging
Jing: ที่พัก [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jing: ที่พัก [natural native speed]
Jing: หมอดู [natural native speed]
Ben: fortune teller, astrologer
Jing: หมอดู [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jing: หมอดู [natural native speed]
Jing: เจ้า [natural native speed]
Ben: god, lord, proprietor
Jing: เจ้า [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jing: เจ้า [natural native speed]
Jing: แม่น [natural native speed]
Ben: accurate
Jing: แม่น [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jing: แม่น [natural native speed]
Jing: บริษัท [natural native speed]
Ben: company
Jing: บริษัท [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jing: บริษัท [natural native speed]
Jing: บริการ [natural native speed]
Ben: service, to serve
Jing: บริการ [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jing: บริการ [natural native speed]
And Last:
Jing: ใครๆ [natural native speed]
Ben: anyone
Jing: ใครๆ [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jing: ใครๆ [natural native speed]
Ben: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Jing: The first word is กี่ราย gìi raai
Ben: This phrase is a question asking “How many individuals?” or “How many instances?”
Jing: That’s right. กี่ gìi is the question word “how many?” and ราย raai is a classifier that has a wide range of meanings.
Ben: So ราย raai could mean “instance”, “person”, “account”, or “item” depending on the exact situation.
Jing: Yes. We often use it in work situations, like in the conversation where they’re talking about the number of bookings being made.
Ben: OK, and the next phrase is...
Jing: อีกที่หนึ่ง ìik thîi nùeng
Ben: This phrase simply means “one more”.
Jing: Exactly. อีก ìik means “another” or “again”, and ที่ thîi in this sentence just means “thing” or “item”. So altogether, อีกที่หนึ่ง ìik thîi nùeng gives us “one more thing”, or simply “one more”.
Ben: Alright. And what is the final phrase?
Jing: โทรเข้ามา thoo khâo maa
Ben: This means “to call in”.
Jing: Yes. โทร thoo is the verb “to call on the phone”. It comes from the word for telephone, โทรศัพท์ thoo-rá-sàp.
Ben: Oh, so that’s just like saying “to phone” in English.
Jing: Yes, it is. Then the next word, เข้า khâo is the verb “to enter”, and มา maa is the verb “to come”. However when มา maa follows another verb, it means the action is moving in the direction towards the speaker.
Ben: OK. So in this case it means the call is coming in from somewhere outside. Now let’s move on to the grammar section.

Lesson focus

Ben: The focus of this lesson is เกี่ยวกับ gìiao-gàp used to mean "about" or to indicate a topic.
Jing: This is a pretty easy grammar point to get the hang of. It’s used just like the English word “about”, with a noun following it to indicate the topic or object.
Ben: What was one of the examples in the conversation?
Jing: The first example from the conversation was รายละเอียดเกี่ยวกับราคา
raai-lá-ìiat gìiao-gàp raa-khaa.
Ben: “details about the cost”. So in that phrase, เกี่ยวกับ gìiao-gàp is used to link two nouns together. What was another example?
Jing: The second example from the conversation was มันไม่เกี่ยวกับหมอดู man mâi gìiao-gàp mǎaw-duu
Ben: “it’s not about the fortune teller” So in this phrase, เกี่ยวกับ gìiao-gàp has the negative particle ไม่ mâi before it.
Jing: That’s right. เกี่ยวกับ gìiao-gàp means “about”, but ไม่เกี่ยวกับ mâi gìiao-gàp means “not about”.
Ben: Does เกี่ยวกับ gìiao-gàp always have to be linking two nouns together?
Jing: No, it doesn't. Sometimes it is used to link a verb to a noun. For example... แดนพูดเกี่ยวกับครอบครัว daaen phûut gìia-gàp khrâawp-khruua
Ben: “Dan speaks of his family.” So here เกี่ยวกับ gìiao-gàp links the verb พูด phûut “to speak” with the object ครอบครัว khrâawp-khruua “family”.
Jing: We can also use เกี่ยวกับ gìiao-gàp in questions. Say I want to know what you’re thinking about. I can ask...คุณกำลังคิดเกี่ยวกับอะไร khun gam-lang khít gìiao-gap à-rai
Ben: “What are you thinking about?” So this time we are using เกี่ยวกับ gìiao-gàp to link the verb คิด khít “to think” and the question อะไร à-rai “what?”
Jing: That’s right.
Ben: How about we practice that sentence. Listeners, please repeat after Khru Jing.
Jing: คุณกำลังคิดเกี่ยวกับอะไร khun gam-lang khít gìiao-gap à-rai
Ben: (pause) Let’s try one more sentence
Jing: OK. We know เรียน riian means “to study”. The word for “economics” is เศรษฐศาสตร์ sèet-tà-sàat. So how would you say “I study about economics.”?
Ben: I’d say ผมเรียนเกี่ยวกับเศรษฐศาสตร์ phǒm riian gìiao-gàp sèet-tà-sàat
Jing: Very good!
Ben: Like our podcasts?
Jing: Then like our Facebook Page too!
Ben: Get lesson updates, our Thai Word of the Day and news on Facebook.
Jing: Just search for ThaiPod101.com and like our fan page
Ben: And if you like a lesson or series on ThaiPod101.com...
Jing: Let us know...
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Ben: That's it for this lesson. Then see you next time!
Jing: ลาก่อน