
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Ohm: สวัสดีครับ
Ja: Hello, and welcome back to ThaiPod101.com. This is Lower Beginner, Season 1, Lesson 6: “Make Sure You Don’t Leave Anything at Your Thai Hotel!” I'm Ja.
Ohm: And I'm Ohm. What are we going to learn in this lesson?
Ja: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to express ownership.
Ohm: This conversation takes place at a hotel on Koh Lanta island.
Ja: It’s between two friends, Nok and Dao.
Ohm: The speakers are friends, so they'll be using casual Thai.
Ja: Alright, let's listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

นก : ดาวเห็นไดร์เป่าผมของเรามั้ย
ดาว : อันนี้รึเปล่า
นก : ไม่ใช่ นั่นของโรงแรม ของเราสีแดง
ดาว: หาทั่วแล้วเหรอ ลองหาดูอีกทีซิ
Ja: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
นก : ดาวเห็นไดร์เป่าผมของเรามั้ย
ดาว : อันนี้รึเปล่า
นก : ไม่ใช่ นั่นของโรงแรม ของเราสีแดง
ดาว: หาทั่วแล้วเหรอ ลองหาดูอีกทีซิ
Ja: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
นก : ดาวเห็นไดร์เป่าผมของเรามั้ย
: Dao, have you seen my hair dryer?
ดาว : อันนี้รึเปล่า
: Is this it?
นก : ไม่ใช่ นั่นของโรงแรม ของเราสีแดง
: No. That's the hotel's. Mine is red.
ดาว: หาทั่วแล้วเหรอ ลองหาดูอีกทีซิ
: You looked everywhere already? Try looking for it again.
Ja: Ohm, how do you think Thai hotels compare with those in other countries?
Ohm: It all depends on the hotel, guesthouse, or resort that you choose. Some are excellent and some are not so great.
Ja: Overall the value is better than in most western countries, wouldn't you say?
Ohm: Yes, you can get a pretty nice three- or four-star hotel room a lot cheaper than a comparable room in some other countries. What do you think about the English-language ability of Thai hotel staff?
Ja: Well, that also depends on the hotel. In some cheaper places you can't really expect the staff to speak English so well.
Ohm: Right, so if you want to stay at cheap hotels in Thailand, you should practice your Thai so you can tell the staff exactly what you need!
Ja: Exactly, and that's a good motivation for studying Thai! Okay, now onto the vocab.
Ja: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word is…
Ohm: เห็น [natural native speed]
Ja: to see
Ohm: เห็น [slowly - broken down by syllable] เห็น [natural native speed]
Ja: The next word is...
Ohm: ไดร์เป่าผม [natural native speed]
Ja: hair dryer
Ohm: ไดร์เป่าผม [slowly - broken down by syllable] ไดร์เป่าผม [natural native speed]
Ja: Next we have...
Ohm: ของ [natural native speed]
Ja: of, thing
Ohm: ของ [slowly - broken down by syllable] ของ [natural native speed]
Ja: Next...
Ohm: เรา [natural native speed]
Ja: I, we
Ohm: เรา [slowly - broken down by syllable] เรา [natural native speed]
Ja: The next word is...
Ohm: รึเปล่า [natural native speed]
Ja: or not?
Ohm: รึเปล่า [slowly - broken down by syllable] รึเปล่า [natural native speed]
Ja: Next we have...
Ohm: โรงแรม [natural native speed]
Ja: hotel
Ohm: โรงแรม [slowly - broken down by syllable] โรงแรม [natural native speed]
Ja: Next...
Ohm: สีแดง [natural native speed]
Ja: red
Ohm: สีแดง [slowly - broken down by syllable] สีแดง [natural native speed]
Ja: Our last word is...
Ohm: ทั่ว [natural native speed]
Ja: throughout
Ohm: ทั่ว [slowly - broken down by syllable] ทั่ว [natural native speed]
Ja: Let's take a closer look at the usage of some of the key words and phrases from this lesson. The first one is...
Ohm: เรา
Ja: This is a first person pronoun that can mean either "I" or "we."
Ohm: When you use it to mean "I," เรา (rao) is more casual than the polite pronouns ผม (phǒm) or ดิฉัน (dì-chǎn), and it can also be used by speakers of both genders.
Ja: Usually you can tell the meaning from the context. But if you want to be clear that you mean "we," you can use พวกเรา (phûuak-rao) instead. Okay, what's the next phrase?
Ohm: รึเปล่า
Ja: This is a phrase that means "or not?" It’s used at the end of a sentence, right?
Ohm: That's right. Actually, the proper written form is หรือเปล่า, but we usually say it รึเปล่า in conversational Thai.
Ja: You can put it at the end of a sentence to make a type of yes or no question that asks for a confirmation. For example..
Ohm: อันนี้รึเปล่า.
Ja: Meaning, "Is this it?" And the literal translation of this sentence would be "This or not?"
Ohm: That's right.
Ja: So what's the last vocabulary word we want to focus on?
Ohm: ทั่ว
Ja: This is a preposition that means "throughout" or "everywhere."
Ohm: You can use it in phrases such as ทั่วโลก (thûua lôok).
Ja: Meaning, "all around the world."
Ohm: Or ทั่วประเทศ (thûua bprà-thêet).
Ja: Meaning "throughout the nation." And you usually use this type of phrase after a verb or at the end of a sentence, right?
Ohm: Yes, that's right. For example, หาทั่วแล้วเหรอ.
Ja: That’s from our dialogue, and it means, "You looked everywhere already?" Okay, now let's move on to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Ja: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to express ownership.
Ohm: You can use the word ของ (khǎawng) to show ownership of objects.
Ja: ของ (khǎawng) can also be a noun that means "thing," but when it comes between two nouns, it indicates that the second noun is the owner of the first one. So you can think of it as acting like the "apostrophe S" in English.
Ohm: Yes, that's right. But keep in mind that the word order is different.
Ja: What's the correct order?
Ohm: “A ของ (khǎawng) B” means that B is the owner of A.
Ja: How about we look at a couple of examples to illustrate this?
Ohm: Good idea! หนังสือของจอห์น
Ja: Meaning, "John's book."
Ohm: เสื้อของแม่
Ja: "Mother's shirt." As you heard in both examples, the object that’s owned comes first in the phrase.
Ohm: Yes, then we have the word ของ (khǎawng), followed by the owner.
Ja: If it helps, you can think of the word order being "A of B."
Ohm: That's a good tip. Then the phrase เสื้อของแม่ (sûuea khǎawng mâae) can be translated as "shirt of mother."
Ja: We can also use ของ (khǎawng) to make possessive pronouns such as "my," "your," and "his," or "her." It's quite simple, we just use a Thai pronoun instead of a person's name after ของ (khǎawng). There are many of these because Thai has so many pronouns. Okay, how about we go over some of the more common ones?
Ohm: Sure. Let's start with ของฉัน (khǎawng chǎn)
Ja: Which means "my."
Ohm: ของคุณ (khǎawng khun)
Ja: "Your."
Ohm: ของพวกเรา (khǎawng phûuak-rao)
Ja: "Our."
Ohm: ของเขา (khǎawng khǎo)
Ja: "His" or "her."
Ohm: ของพวกเขา (khǎawng phûuak-khǎo)
Ja: "Their."
Ohm: ของมัน (khǎawng man)
Ja: "Its." Listeners, do you remember that we can omit words from Thai sentences when the speaker and listener both know what’s being talked about from the context? So in this situation, we don't need to include the object that is being owned.
Ohm: Exactly. For example, in the conversation, Nok said, นั่นของโรงแรม ของเราสีแดง.
Ja: "That's the hotel's. Mine is red." In this case, we know that they're talking about a hair dryer because it was mentioned in the first line of the dialogue.
Ohm: Right, when Nok asked, ดาวเห็นไดร์เป่าผมของเรามั้ย.
Ja: "Dao, have you seen my hair dryer?" And the key words in that sentence were…
Ohm: ไดร์เป่าผมของเรา
Ja: "My hair dryer."
Ohm: Well, it looks like that's all the time we have for this lesson.
Ja: Be sure to check out the lesson notes for more examples and explanations.
Ja: Listeners, do you ever have any Thai language or lesson-related questions?
Ohm: Or maybe you have some feedback for us...
Ja: Leave us a comment or ask a question on the lessons page!
Ohm: It's super simple. Go to ThaiPod101.com...
Ja: ...click on comments,
Ohm: ...enter your comment and name,
Ja: ...and that's it!
Ohm: Commenting is a great way to practice writing and reading in Thai.
Ja: It helps you learn faster.
Ohm: And it helps us get better through your feedback.
Ja: No excuses.
Ohm: Go to ThaiPod101.com, and comment now.
Ja: NOW!


Ja: Thanks for listening, and we'll see you in the next lesson. Bye!
Ohm: แล้วเจอกันนะครับ สวัสดีครับ

