
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Ohm: สวัสดีครับ
Ja: Hello, and welcome back to ThaiPod101.com. This is Lower Beginner, Season 1, Lesson 13: Is it Dangerous to Eat Guava Seeds in Thailand? I'm Ja.
Ohm: And I'm Ohm. What are we going to learn in this lesson?
Ja: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to give warnings or forbid actions.
Ohm: This conversation takes place at Nok's apartment.
Ja: And it’s between two friends, Nok and Dao.
Ohm: The speakers are friends, so they'll be using casual Thai.
Ja: Alright, let's listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

นก: ห้ามกินเม็ดฝรั่ง
ดาว: ทำไมล่ะ มันเป็นส่วนที่หวานที่สุดนะ
นก: เขาว่ากันว่าถ้ากินเม็ดฝรั่งแล้วจะเป็นไส้ติ่งอักเสบ
ดาว: ฉันกินมานานแล้ว ไม่เห็นมีปัญหาเลย อย่าเชื่อที่เขาพูดกันทั้งหมดสิ
Ja: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
นก: ห้ามกินเม็ดฝรั่ง
ดาว: ทำไมล่ะ มันเป็นส่วนที่หวานที่สุดนะ
นก: เขาว่ากันว่าถ้ากินเม็ดฝรั่งแล้วจะเป็นไส้ติ่งอักเสบ
ดาว: ฉันกินมานานแล้ว ไม่เห็นมีปัญหาเลย อย่าเชื่อที่เขาพูดกันทั้งหมดสิ
Ja: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
นก: ห้ามกินเม็ดฝรั่ง
Ja : Don't eat guava seeds.
ดาว: ทำไมล่ะ มันเป็นส่วนที่หวานที่สุดนะ
Ja: Why? It's the sweetest part.
นก: เขาว่ากันว่าถ้ากินเม็ดฝรั่งแล้วจะเป็นไส้ติ่งอักเสบ
Ja: They say that if you eat guava seeds you'll get appendicitis.
ดาว: ฉันกินมานานแล้ว ไม่เห็นมีปัญหาเลย อย่าเชื่อที่เขาพูดกันทั้งหมดสิ
Ja: I've eaten them for a long time. I've never had any problems. Don't believe everything they say.
Ja: Do you really think swallowing guava seeds causes appendicitis?
Ohm: Well, I've heard a lot of people say it's bad to eat the seeds, but then again maybe they just say that to prevent kids from damaging their teeth by biting them.
Ja: Yeah, guava seeds are really hard. Are there any other fruits that come with warnings?
Ohm: Sure. Have you heard of durian?
Ja: Of course, it's famous for being the most smelly fruit.
Ohm: Well, it's also really high in sugar, so people with diabetes or high blood pressure should avoid it.
Ja: Really?
Ohm: Yes, they also say that it's bad to drink alcohol after eating durian. If you have too much of both, you can have a heart attack.
Ja: Okay, I'll remember to go easy on the durian then! Now onto the vocab.
Ja: Let’s take a look now at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word is...
Ohm: ห้าม [natural native speed]
Ja: do not, to forbid
Ohm: ห้าม [slowly - broken down by syllable] ห้าม [natural native speed]
Ja : Next we have...
Ohm: ล่ะ [natural native speed]
Ja: Particle used at the end of a question, command, or request.
Ohm: ล่ะ [slowly - broken down by syllable] ล่ะ [natural native speed]
Ja: Our next word is...
Ohm: ทำไม [natural native speed]
Ja: why
Ohm: ทำไม [slowly - broken down by syllable] ทำไม [natural native speed]
Ja: Next...
Ohm: หวาน [natural native speed]
Ja: sweet
Ohm: หวาน [slowly - broken down by syllable] หวาน [natural native speed]
Ja: Next we have...
Ohm: อย่า [natural native speed]
Ja: don’t
Ohm: อย่า [slowly - broken down by syllable] อย่า [natural native speed]
Ja: The next word is...
Ohm: ทั้งหมด [natural native speed]
Ja: in all, everything
Ohm: ทั้งหมด [slowly - broken down by syllable] ทั้งหมด [natural native speed]
Ja: Next...
Ohm: เม็ด [natural native speed]
Ja: seed, grain
Ohm: เม็ด [slowly - broken down by syllable] เม็ด [natural native speed]
Ja: Next...
Ohm: ส่วน [natural native speed]
Ja: part, portion
Ohm: ส่วน [slowly - broken down by syllable] ส่วน [natural native speed]
Ja: Next...
Ohm: เขาว่ากันว่า [natural native speed]
Ja: they say that…
Ohm: เขาว่ากันว่า [slowly - broken down by syllable] : เขาว่ากันว่า [natural native speed]
Ja: Our last word is...
Ohm: ไส้ติ่งอักเสบ [natural native speed]
Ja: appendicitis
Ohm: ไส้ติ่งอักเสบ [slowly - broken down by syllable] ไส้ติ่งอักเสบ [natural native speed]
Ja: Let’s take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word we'll look at is…
Ohm: ส่วน
Ja: This noun means "part" or "portion." You can use it in a sentence when you want to refer to one part of an object, or one division of a larger grouping.
Ohm: That's right. For example, ไข่แดง refers to "egg yolk," which is one part of an egg. So I could say, ไข่แดงเป็นส่วนที่มีไขมันสูง (khài-daaeng bpen sùuan thîi mii khǎi-man sǔung).
Ja: Meaning, "Egg yolk is the part that’s high in fat."
Ohm: ส่วน (sùuan) can also be used as a conjunction to start a sentence, in which case it means "as for."
Ja: Can you think of an example for that?
Ohm: Sure, how about this sentence? เพื่อนๆ ชอบดื่มกาแฟ ส่วนฉันชอบชาเย็น (phûuean-phûuean châawp dùuem gaafaae. sùuan chǎn châawp chaa-yen).
Ja: Meaning, "My friends like drinking coffee. As for me, I like iced tea." Okay, what's the next word?
Ohm: ล่ะ
Ja: This is a sentence ending particle used with questions and negative statements to make them sound less abrupt or rude.
Ohm: That's right. For example, the conversation used the following sentence: ทำไมล่ะ (tham-mai lâ).
Ja: Which we translated as "Why?"
Ohm: : Without the particle ล่ะ (lâ), we would just have the question word ทำไม (tham-mai), all by itself.
Ja: And that may sound short and demanding if nothing is placed after it. So, it's a little better to add the particle. Okay, Ohm, what's the last phrase?
Ohm: เขาว่ากันว่า
Ja: This phrase means "people say" or "they say."
Ohm: Yes. เขาว่ากันว่า usually comes at the beginning of a sentence and is like saying, "They say that…"
Ja: Can you think of a new sentence to demonstrate it?
Ohm: Sure! เขาว่ากันว่า บ้านหลังนี้เป็นบ้านผีสิง (khǎo wâa gan wâa bâan lǎng níi bpen bâan phǐi sǐng).
Ja: Meaning, "They say that this house is haunted." Okay, now on to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Ja: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to say "don't" to forbid an action or give a warning.
Ohm: There are three basic ways to say "don't" in Thai. They are อย่า (yàa), ไม่ต้อง (mâi dtâwng), and ห้าม (hâam).
Ja: These three are used in slightly different situations, so we'll look at them one by one. The first is...
Ohm: อย่า (yàa). You use it to give commands.
Ja: Typically, it starts a sentence, and can be translated as "don't" in English. In the example from the conversation, Dao gives Nok strong advice.
Ohm: She says, อย่าเชื่อที่เขาพูดกันทั้งหมดสิ (yàa chûuea thîi khǎo phûut gan tháng-mòt sì).
Ja: "Don't believe everything they say." So the key part of the sentence is "don't," and it’s placed before the verb...
Ohm: อย่าเชื่อ. In this sentence, เชื่อ is the verb "to believe."
Ja: In one of our sample sentences, the speaker is commanding somebody to not forget something important.
Ohm: อย่าลืมดูข่าวคืนนี้นะ (yàa luuem duu khàao khuuen níi ná).
Ja: "Don't forget to watch tonight's news." In this case, the key phrase "don't forget" is อย่าลืม. Okay, Ohm, what’s the second way to say "don't?”
Ohm: ไม่ต้อง (mâi dtâwng), which is not as strong sounding as อย่า (yàa). ไม่ (mâi) is the negative particle meaning "not," and ต้อง (dtâwng) means "need to" or "must."
Ja: So this is like saying "you don't have to" instead of "don't," which makes it a little less strong. What’s a typical situation where you'd use this phrase?
Ohm: Well, you might use ไม่ต้อง (mâi dtâwng) when you’re telling a shop clerk that you don't need a bag. That would be ไม่ต้องใส่ถุง (mâi dtâwng sài thŭng).
Ja: "You don't need to put it in a bag." Alright, we've got two down and one to go. What's the third way to say "don't" in Thai?
Ohm: ห้าม (hâam)
Ja: And this has a meaning closer to "to forbid", or “do not” in a stronger sense than อย่า (yàa). It's used mostly on signs or when someone is stating a rule.
Ohm: That's right. Parents use ห้าม when they’re telling their children that an action is forbidden.
Ja: In the conversation, Nok gave Dao advice in a very strong way, as if establishing a rule.
Ohm: ห้ามกินเม็ดฝรั่ง (hâam gin mét fà-ràng).
Ja: Meaning, "Don't eat guava seeds." We could also translate this sentence as, "Eating guava seeds is not allowed." Ohm, can you think of another example of where you might use this phrase?
Ohm: If you visit a library, they may have a list of rules posted that say, ห้ามคุยในห้องสมุด (hâam khui nai hâwng-sà-mùt).
Ja: "Talking in the library is forbidden."


Ohm: Well, that's all the time we have for this lesson.
Ja: Be sure to check out the lesson notes for more examples and explanations.
Ohm: Thanks for listening, and we'll see you in the next lesson.
Ja: See you next time, bye!
Ohm: แล้วเจอกันครับ สวัสดีครับ

