Vocabulary (Review)

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สวัสดีค่ะ ดิฉันกิตติยาค่ะ (sà-wàt-dii khâ. dì-chǎn Kittaya khâ)
Hi everybody! I’m Kittaya.
Welcome to ThaiPod101.com’s “Learn Thai in 3 minutes.” The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Thai.
In the last lesson, we learned how to use the verb ทำ(tham) which means "to do" in Thai.
In this lesson, we will learn how to use ชอบ(châawp), and รัก(rák), useful Thai verbs, which are also the third set in our series dedicated to the most common Thai verbs.
ชอบ(châawp) mean "to like" in Thai, so in this lesson we are going to see how to use it correctly. Let’s go! ไปกันเลยค่ะ(bpai gan looei khâ)!
Imagine you are in a restaurant with your friend and she asks you: คุณชอบทานเผ็ดไหม(khun châawp thaan phèt mái) ?
This means "Do you like spicy (food)?" So supposing you like it you can answer ครับ ผมชอบทานเผ็ด(khráp, phǒm châawp thaan phèt).
[slowly] ครับ ผมชอบทานเผ็ด(khráp, phǒm châawp thaan phèt).
So let’s break down this answer:
First we had: ครับ(khráp) (or you will use ค่ะ(khâ) if you are a woman) which is simply "Yes." Then ผม(phǒm) (or you will use ดิฉัน(dì-chǎn) if you are a woman) which is "I".
After we have verb, ชอบ(châawp) which is “Like” in Thai. Finally we had ทานเผ็ด(thaan phèt) -- Literally
means “eating spicy.”
So all together it is ครับ ผมชอบทานเผ็ด(khráp, phǒm châawp thaan phèt). or ค่ะ ดิฉันชอบทานเผ็ด(khâ, dì-chǎn châawp thaan phèt).
Note that in Thai we use the verb châawp to express that we "like" something or someone. But if you want to express that you “love” something or someone, we use “รัก(rák)”.
In fact, between the verb ชอบ(châawp) and รัก(rák) there are different levels of understanding - “รัก(rák)” in Thai carries a lot of feeling and is always used for humans or pets or something that you really love. For example; you could say ผมรักรถคันนี้(phǒm rák rót khan níi), “I love this car.”
But what if you want to express a feeling more than just “Like” but not as much feeling as “Love”? In Thai you can add the word “มาก(mâak)” which means “Very” after the sentence.
For example; “I like this shirt very much.” ดิฉันชอบเสื้อตัวนี้มาก(dì-chǎn châawp sûuea dtuua níi mâak).
Then again you can use “มาก(mâak)” for the word “Love” as well. For example ผมรักสุนัขตัวนี้มาก(phǒm rák sù-nák dtuua níi mâak) which means “I love this dog very much”
And of course, รัก(rák) is the verb of “love”, so if you are talking to the person you fell in love with, you can tell her ผมรักคุณ(phǒm rák khun) which is "I love you" in Thai! Isn’t that romantic?
Now it’s time for Kittaya’s Insights.
We’ve learned how to say “ชอบ(châawp)” in Thai but only in the positive form. What if you want to say you “don’t like” something? Do you still remember how to make the negative form? Yes, that’s right! By putting the word ไม่(mâi) in front of the verb. For example, if you want to say I don’t like cats, You can say in Thai, ดิฉันไม่ชอบแมว(dì-chǎn mâi châawp maaeo).
In this lesson, we learned how to use the verbs ชอบ(châawp) and รัก(rák)
Next time we’ll learn another very useful verb, มา(maa).
Do you know what this Thai verb means? I’ll be waiting for you with the answer in the next Learn Thai in 3 minutes. สวัสดีค่ะ(sà-wàt-dii khâ)


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2020-08-16 20:54:54

Hello Kim-André M,

Thank you. That is correct. Yes, you are right. ผมไม่ชอบแมวตัวนี้ 👍 "I don't like *this* cat." Please let me know if you have any future questions. I will be glad to help.

Have a good day.

ปริษา Parisa

Team ThaiPod101.com

Kim-André M
2020-08-09 15:34:13

To say "I don't like *this* cat," you would say ผมไม่ชอบแมวตัวนี้, right?

Kim-André M
2020-08-09 15:18:07

Haha, of course! It's not easy 😅

2020-07-15 02:05:47

Hi Kim-André M,

Thank you. It's just we write how we speak in this lesson มั๊ย high tone is how we pronounce ไหม as written. On the other hand when we write ไหม student will ask why you speak with high tone not rising tone. Please let me know if you have any future questions. I will be glad to help.

Have a good day.

ปริษา Parisa

Team ThaiPod101.com

Kim-André M
2020-07-14 22:30:32

In the video it's written as คุณชอบทานเผ็ดนั๊ย, which of course is wrong. You can't use the อ๊ tone mark atop a low class consonant, and ไหม isn't the second syllable of a word starting with a high class consonant. In the lesson notes, it is written correctly, as: คุณชอบทานเผ็ดไหม

2020-04-27 21:16:37

Hello Duc,

Thank you for comment. คัน is a classifier, This is some example of how to used it มีรถกี่คัน / ผมมีรถสองคัน / รถคันนี้สวย / รถคันนั้นแพง / รถคันไหนของคุณ . รถ means "vehicle" รถยนตร์ car , can also just say รถ /รถกระบะ(รถปิ๊กอัพ) pickup truck . Hope that helps. Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions. I will be glad to help.

Have a nice day.

ปริษา Parisa

Team ThaiPod101.com

Duc Manh
2020-04-25 12:24:42

Hi, i have something confused

รถ is car, so รถคัน also mean car? คัน is what?

2019-07-10 19:02:14

Hello Daniel,

Thank you for comment. You're right about translation of both sentences, both are same formal and not as common as "pǒm châawp gin pèt". Hope that helps. Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions. I will be glad to help.

Have a nice day.


Team ThaiPod101.com

2019-07-08 00:45:20

hello. so what is the difference when one says "phom chaawp aa-haan phet" vs "phom chaawp thaan phet"? i get that the literal translation is different - the former is "i like spicy food" and the latter is "i like eating spicy". which is more common or formal or acceptable?

2014-06-07 18:50:51

Hello Deryck,

Thank you very much for your comment. For your question, If the script and audio doesn't match yes, their's a mistake.For the phrase ‘jooe thooe’ "jooe" is a Verb means "to meet" and "tee or thooe" means "He, she, or they".

Have a good day.


Team ThaiPod101.com

2014-06-02 03:24:27

Hi, Sorry if I confused you by adding 'luuk-maa' into the conversation. Thank-you for the 'less formal' information

but you did not answer the question as to why you have just 'su-nak' in the dialog yet puppies in the translation.

So, have you omitted the 'luuk' by mistake?

With regards to the "thooe' in the second part of my question, I also noted a line using 'jooe thooe' for 'her'

instead of 'caao or kao' in fact I can find 'kao, tan, gee,lon, man, tee, kun naai & kun ying' as well but not

'jooe thooe'. I am breaking down the sentences the same as you do in the lessons, but it's very hard to learn

when you introduce words that you haven't taught and I can not find. I don't understand why you put them in

the lesson if they are not a common word that we need to remember. Do I need to memorize these words

for latter lessons?

Khaawp-khun khrap

2014-05-27 00:15:21

Hello Deryck,

Thank you very much for you comment. For your questions, ‘luuk-maa or luuk-su-nak’ there're means the same but "luuk-maa" is a less formal use in spoken language. "thooe" is another word for "you". Hope that help.

Have a good day.


Team ThaiPod101.com

2014-05-21 00:20:16

sa--wat-dii. With the line 'the boy really likes the puppies' how do you know that it is not 'the boy really likes the dog'? When I looked up puppies it came up as 'luuk-maa or luuk-su-nak'.

Also with 'chan rak thooe' I was told it was rak khun. I can not find 'thooe' anywhere.

khaawp-khun khrap
