Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hello guys, I am Jay and welcome to top 25 Thai phrases. Okay now let’s look in!
1. สวัสดี (sà-wàt-dii) Hello
สวัสดี (sà-wàt-dii), or in English, it means “hello” like you use it every day with everyone you want to use it with and when you do it with adult, you do like this. สวัสดี (sà-wàt-dii) Or with friends like สวัสดี (sà-wàt-dii).
2. สวัสดี (sà-wàt-dii) Goodbye.
Goodbye, we also use the same word สวัสดี (sà-wàt-dii), so when you are going to separate from your friends or like teacher or your parents, you can say like สวัสดี (sà-wàt-dii).
3. สบายดีไหม (sà-baai-dii mǎi) How are you?
When you meet a person or meet people, anyone like random people on the street or even like your friends, your close friends, your parents, your teachers, also say like สบายดีไหม (sà-baai-dii mǎi) how are you?
4. สบายดี (sà-baai-dii) I am fine.
And then people ask you back like สบายดีไหม (sà-baai-dii mǎi) “how are you?” and you want to tell them like I am fine, you say สบายดี (sà-baai-dii).
5. ฉันชื่อ... (chǎn chûue) My name is…
ฉันชื่อ... (chǎn chûue) is “my name is…”. You use it often, right, to introduce yourself like ฉันชื่อเจ (chǎn chûue jee) “my name is Jay.” Easy, isn’t it?
6. ใช่ (châi) Yes.
ใช่ (châi), in English it is “yes”. Have you started? You want to say yes, I have you just say ใช่ (châi).
7. ไม่ (mâi) No.
Or you want to say no, you say ไม่ (mâi).
8. ขอโทษ (khǎaw-thôot) Sorry.
When you do something wrong and you feel really sorry, you want to apologize to the person, you say ขอโทษ (khǎaw-thôot), and if you do something wrong to people who are older than you, you can also do this and say ขอโทษ (khǎaw-thôot) at the same time. ขอโทษ (khǎaw-thôot).
9. ขอบคุณ (khàawp-khun) Thank you.
And when you feel like you want to say thank you to people, you say ขอบคุณ (khàawp-khun), ขอบคุณ (khàawp-khun), thank you.
10. ไม่เป็นไร (mâi-bpen-rai) It’s okay.
ไม่เป็นไร (mâi-bpen-rai) means it’s okay like if people want to offer you something, like, okay do you want a coffee or even tea and you said, oh it’s okay, I don’t really want it. You can say like, ไม่เป็นไร (mâi-bpen-rai). Or maybe like sometimes you like you hurt yourself and people say like, are you okay. You will say like no, I am fine. You get to say like ไม่เป็นไร (mâi-bpen-rai).
11. อะไร (à-rai) What?
This one I use often. What. You can say what? อะไร (à-rai) อะไรนะ (à-rai-ná) อะไรอ่ะ (à-rai-à) if you want to be polite, you say it like นี่คืออะไรคะ (nîi-khuue-à-rai-khá) or you wanted to be rude, just say อะไร (à-rai). It’s same as like other languages, it depends on your tone as well.
12. ที่ไหน (thîi-nǎi) Where?
ที่ไหน (thîi-nǎi) is where. When you want to ask for direction or like places, you use this quite often like ที่ไหน (thîi-nǎi).
13. เมื่อไหร่ (mûuea-rài) When?
เมื่อไหร่ (mûuea-rài) is like you want to ask when. When are you going to school, when is the lunch break? I guess there is like เมื่อไหร่คุณจะไปโรงเรียน (mûuea-rài khun jà bpai roong-rean) means, like, when are you going to school?
14. ทำไม (tham-mai) Why?
Okay why, why like ทำไม (tham-mai). Yeah so it depends on your tone right and you want it to be like more often like a question. You raise your tone up like ทำไมอ่ะ (tham-mai à) ทำไม (tham-mai)
15. ยังไง (yang-ngai) How?
How ยังไง (yang-ngai) ไปที่นี่ยังไง (pai thîi-nîi yang-ngai) ไปที่นี่ยังไงอ่ะ (pai thîi-nîi yang-ngai à) ไปที่นี่ยังไงคะ (pai thîi-nîi yang-ngai ká) Umm like you raise your tone up a bit.
16. คุณพูดภาษาอังกฤษได้ไหม (Khun phûut phaa-sǎa ang-grìt dâi mǎi) Do you speak English?
คุณพูดภาษาอังกฤษได้ไหม (Khun phûut phaa-sǎa ang-grìt dâi mǎi), but remember to raise your tone up at the end if it is a question.
17. กี่โมงแล้ว (gìi-moong láaew) What time is it?
What time is it? กี่โมงแล้ว (gìi-moong láaew) ตอนนี้กี่โมงแล้ว (taawn-níi gìi-moong láaew) like, what time is it now?
18. ...อยู่ที่ไหน (... yù thîi-nâi) Where is…?
...อยู่ที่ไหน (... yù thîi-nâi) where is it, like, where are you now? คุณอยู่ที่ไหนตอนนี้ (khun yù thîi-nâi)
19. ...ไปยังไง (... bpai yang-ngai) How do you go to…?
If you want to ask how do you get to the train station, in Thai you may ask จะไปสถานีรถไฟยังไงคะ (jà bpai sà-thǎa-nii yang-ngai ká)
20. อะไรนะ (à-rai ná) I beg your pardon.
Actually it is more of like what? right, and we have it in a more polite way to say what, you said, I beg your pardon? If you remember อะไร (à-rai) means “what” so you just put the word นะ (ná) to make the sentence softer like อะไรนะ (à-rai ná), อะไรนะ (à-rai ná), for example.
21. ยินดีที่ได้รู้จัก (Yin-dii thîi dâi rúu-jàk) Nice to meet you.
ยินดีที่ได้รู้จักนะคะ (Yin-dii thîi dâi rúu-jàk ná ká) ยินดีที่ได้รู้จักครับ (Yin-dii thîi dâi rúu-jàk khráp) like nice to meet you.
22. เท่าไหร่ (thâo-rài) How much?
This one is my favorite because I go shopping quite often. So I use this one quite often as well. เท่าไหร่ (thâo-rài). เท่าไหร่ (thâo-rài) is “How much?”
This product, these goods, these clothes, you use this word like อันนี้เท่าไหร่ (an-níi thâo-rài) meaning how much is this?
23. ลดหน่อยได้ไหม (Lót-nàuy dâi-mǎi) Can you lower the price?
ลดหน่อยได้ไหม (Lót-nàuy dâi-mǎi). ลดหน่อยได้ไหม (Lót-nàuy dâi-mǎi) meaning “can you lower the price?” If you go to thailand you have to use this one definitely ลดหน่อยได้ไหมคะ (Lót-nàuy dâi-mǎi ká) make it a bit cuter, he will probably lower the price for you for sure, believe me.
24. ฉันคิดถึงคุณ (chǎn khít thǔeng khun) I missed you.
I always say these words to my friends and, like, to, like, your family, like, to everyone, like, okay so in Thai you say ฉันคิดถึงคุณ (chǎn khít thǔeng khun). For guys, you say ผมคิดถึงคุณ (phǒm khít thǔeng khun) “I missed you”. Nice, huh?
25. แล้วเจอกัน (Láaew jooe-gan) See you later.
So when you are going with friends and you are just like going to separate, they are going home, you will say เจอกันนะ (jooe-gan ná) แล้วเจอกัน (Láaew jooe-gan) เจอกันนะคะ (jooe-gan ná ká) แล้วเจอกันนะคะ (Láaew jooe-gan ná ká)
Thank you guys for watching. What is your favorite phrase so far? Okay anyway, please don’t forget to subscribe the channel and see you guys soon, bye bye.

