Pim:Hello everyone! I'm Pim, and welcome to |
Ryan:With us, you'll learn to speak Thai with fun and effective lessons. |
Pim:We also provide you with cultural insights... |
Ryan:...and tips you won't find in a textbook. |
Ryan:In this lesson, you’ll learn about how to express future actions. |
Pim:"ใช่ค่ะ(châi khâ)" "That’s right!" |
Ryan:So, "khruu" Pim, where does this conversation take place? |
Pim:"ทางสไกป์ค่ะ,(thaang sà-gâi khâ)" which is "via Skype." Mr. Steve, our main character, is still talking to his Thai teacher, "khruu" Viraporn. "เอาล่ะค่ะ ไปฟังบทสนทนากันเลยดีกว่า(ao lâ khâ bpai fang bòt sŏn-thá-naa gan looei dii gwàa)" |
"Let’s listen to the conversation!" |
สตีฟ:ผมจะไปประเทศไทยพรุ่งนี้ครับ (phǒm jà bpai bprà-thêet-thai phrûng-níi khráp) |
วิราภรณ์:คุณสตีฟจะไปทำอะไรที่ประเทศไทยคะ (khun sà-dtíip jà bpai tham à-rai thîi bprà-thêet-thai khá) |
สตีฟ:ผมจะไปติดต่อธุรกิจครับ (phǒm jà bpai dtìt-dtàaw thú-rá-gìt khráp) |
วิราภรณ์:เดินทางปลอดภัยค่ะ (dooen-thaang bplàawt-phai khâ) |
สตีฟ:ขอบคุณครับ (khàawp-khun khráp) |
Ryan: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly. |
สตีฟ:ผมจะไปประเทศไทยพรุ่งนี้ครับ (phǒm jà bpai bprà-thêet-thai phrûng-níi khráp) |
วิราภรณ์:คุณสตีฟจะไปทำอะไรที่ประเทศไทยคะ (khun sà-dtíip jà bpai tham à-rai thîi bprà-thêet-thai khá) |
สตีฟ:ผมจะไปติดต่อธุรกิจครับ (phǒm jà bpai dtìt-dtàaw thú-rá-gìt khráp) |
วิราภรณ์:เดินทางปลอดภัยค่ะ (dooen-thaang bplàawt-phai khâ) |
สตีฟ:ขอบคุณครับ (khàawp-khun khráp) |
Ryan: Now let’s hear it with the translation. |
สตีฟ:ผมจะไปประเทศไทยพรุ่งนี้ครับ (phǒm jà bpai bprà-thêet-thai phrûng-níi khráp) |
Ryan:I’m going to Thailand tomorrow. |
วิราภรณ์:คุณสตีฟจะไปทำอะไรที่ประเทศไทยคะ (khun sà-dtíip jà bpai tham à-rai thîi bprà-thêet-thai khá) |
Ryan:What are you going to do in Thailand? |
สตีฟ:ผมจะไปติดต่อธุรกิจครับ (phǒm jà bpai dtìt-dtàaw thú-rá-gìt khráp) |
Ryan:I’m going on a business trip. |
วิราภรณ์:เดินทางปลอดภัยค่ะ (dooen-thaang bplàawt-phai khâ) |
Ryan:Have a safe trip. |
สตีฟ:ขอบคุณครับ (khàawp-khun khráp) |
Ryan:Thank you. |
Ryan:In Thai society, teachers are very highly respected. |
Pim:"ใช่ค่ะ(châi khâ)" "That’s right!" In Thailand, teachers don’t just teach school subjects. They also teach their students morals, ethics, and how to grow to be good members of society. And when referring to teachers’ names, we always place the word "ครู(khruu)" in front of their names to show our respect to them. |
Ryan:And I’ve also heard from my Thai friend that the respect people feel toward their teachers is the same as they feel toward their own parents. |
Pim:Exactly! And you know what, teachers are so important in Thai society that once a year, at almost every school in Thailand, a ceremony called "waii khruu" or in Thai, "พิธีไหว้ครู(phí-thii wâai khruu)," is held for students to show the greatest respect to their teachers. At this ceremony, students recite the "waii khruu" chant, which expresses respect for and gratitude to their teachers. Then they present their teachers flowers, and the teachers give words of admonition and encouragement to students at the end. . |
Ryan:What a moving ceremony. "Khruu Pim," thank you so much for such a good cultural insight today. Okay, now on to the vocabulary. |
Ryan:Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. |
:The first word we shall see is: |
Pim:จะ (jà) [natural native speed] |
Ryan:will/to be going to |
Pim:จะ (jà) [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Pim:จะ (jà) [natural native speed] |
Next: |
Pim:ไป (bpai) [natural native speed] |
Ryan:to go |
Pim:ไป (bpai) [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Pim:ไป (bpai) [natural native speed] |
Next: |
Pim:ประเทศไทย (bprà-thêet-thai) [natural native speed] |
Ryan:Thailand |
Pim:ประเทศไทย (bprà-thêet-thai) [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Pim:ประเทศไทย (bprà-thêet-thai) [natural native speed] |
Next: |
Pim:พรุ่งนี้ (phrûng-níi) [natural native speed] |
Ryan:tomorrow |
Pim:พรุ่งนี้ (phrûng-níi) [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Pim:พรุ่งนี้ (phrûng-níi) [natural native speed] |
Next: |
Pim:ทำ (tham) [natural native speed] |
Ryan:to do |
Pim:ทำ (tham) [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Pim:ทำ (tham) [natural native speed] |
Next: |
Pim:อะไร (à-rai) [natural native speed] |
Ryan:what (an interrogative) |
Pim:อะไร (à-rai) [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Pim:อะไร (à-rai) [natural native speed] |
Next: |
Pim:ที่ (thîi) [natural native speed] |
Ryan:at, in, to, that, which, place |
Pim:ที่ (thîi) [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Pim:ที่ (thîi) [natural native speed] |
Next: |
Pim:ไปติดต่อธุรกิจ (bpai dtìt-dtàaw thú-rá-gìt) [natural native speed] |
Ryan:to go on a business trip |
Pim:ไปติดต่อธุรกิจ (bpai dtìt-dtàaw thú-rá-gìt) [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Pim:ไปติดต่อธุรกิจ (bpai dtìt-dtàaw thú-rá-gìt) [natural native speed] |
Next: |
Pim:เดินทางปลอดภัย (dooen-thaang bplàawt-phai) [natural native speed] |
Ryan:have a safe trip |
Pim:เดินทางปลอดภัย (dooen-thaang bplàawt-phai) [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Pim:เดินทางปลอดภัย (dooen-thaang bplàawt-phai) [natural native speed] |
Next: |
Pim:ขอบคุณ (khàawp-khun) [natural native speed] |
Ryan:Thank you. |
Pim:ขอบคุณ (khàawp-khun) [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Pim:ขอบคุณ (khàawp-khun) [natural native speed] |
Ryan:Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. |
Pim:The first word/phrase we’ll look at is.... |
Ryan:Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase is? |
Pim:"ไป(bpai)...ที่(thîi)..." |
Ryan:"go…at/in…" |
Pim:Right! This phrase is used when you want to say you "go to do something at or in somewhere." You just put an action between the word "ไป" and "ที่(thîi)," then follow it with a location. |
For example, if you want to say that you "go to study in America," you would say "ไปเรียนที่อเมริกา(bpai riian thîi a-mee-rí-gaa)." "ไป(bpai)" is "to go,", "เรียน(riian)" is "to study," "ที่(thîi)" is "in," and "อเมริกา(a-mee-rí-gaa)" is "America." All together, "ไปเรียนที่อเมริกา(bpai riian thîi a-mee-rí-gaa)" means "go to study in America." Okay, Ryan, "to swim" is "ว่ายน้ำ(wâai náam)," and "the sea" is "ทะเล(thá-lee)," so "to go to swim in the sea" is? |
Ryan:"ไปว่ายน้ำที่ทะเล(bpai wâai náam thîi thá-lee)" |
Pim:Exactly! |
Ryan:The next word is? |
Pim:"ประเทศไทย(bprà-thêet thai)" |
Ryan:"Thailand" |
Pim:Yes. But actually, this word "ประเทศไทย(bprà-thêet thai)" consists of two words, which are the word "ประเทศ(bprà-thêet)," meaning "country," and "ไทย(thai)," meaning "Thai." And when you want to specify the name of any nation, you can just place the name of the country after the word "ประเทศ(bprà-thêet)." Like "ประเทศไทย(bprà-thêet thai)" ("Thailand"). |
Ryan:Oh…okay. |
Pim:But you won’t be able to say it right unless you learn how to pronounce the name of the country in Thai. You know, sometimes it’s totally different from what it is in English. Take "Japan," for example. Instead of saying "ประเทศเจแปน(bprà-thêet jee-bpaaen)," we say "ประเทศญี่ปุ่น (bprà-thêet yîi-bpùn)." |
Ryan:Next, we have a phrase. |
Pim:"เดินทางปลอดภัย(dooen thaang bplàawt-phai)" |
Ryan:"Have a safe trip." As in other cultures, Thais will wish well to someone who is traveling by saying "เดินทางปลอดภัย(dooen thaang bplàawt-phai)." And the last phrase of today is? |
Pim:"ไปติดต่อธุรกิจ(bpai dtìt-dtàaw thú-rá gìt)" |
Ryan:"To go on a business trip." This phrase is a very useful phrase, especially if you’re a businessman. When you want to say that you are on a business trip, you just use the phrase "ไปติดต่อธุรกิจ(bpai dtìt-dtàaw thú-rá gìt)." "Khruu" Pim, can we hear the last two phrases again? Listeners, please repeat after "khruu" Pim. "Have a safe trip." |
Pim:"เดินทางปลอดภัย(dooen thaang bplàawt-phai)" |
Ryan:[pause] "to go on a business trip" |
Pim:"ไปติดต่อธุรกิจ(bpai dtìt-dtàaw thú-rá gìt)" |
Ryan:[pause] On to the grammar section. |
Lesson focus
Ryan:In this lesson, we’ll focus on the word "จะ(jà)." |
Pim:Right! "จะ(jà)" means "will" in English. So when you want to talk about an action that will happen in the future, you just place the word "จะ(jà)" right before the verb in your sentence. For example, "ไป(bpai)" is "to go." So, "ดิฉันจะไป(di-chăn jà bpai)" means? |
Ryan:I will go. Okay. Repeat after "khruu" Pim, "I will go." |
Pim:"ดิฉันจะไป(di-chăn jà bpai)" [pause] |
Ryan:So, "khruu" Pim, how do you say "I will eat?" |
Pim:"ดิฉันจะทาน(di-chăn jà thaan)" |
Ryan:[pause] Next, let’s learn how to say "Will you eat?" "Khruu" Pim, help us out. |
Pim:"คุณจะทาน(khun jà thaan)" is "you will eat," right? So, "will you eat" is "คุณจะทานไหม(khun jà thaan mái)." Do you still remember what I taught you about how to turn a statement into a question by adding the word "ไหม(mái)" at the end of your sentence? |
Ryan:All right listeners, please repeat after "khruu" Pim. "Will you eat?" |
Pim:"คุณจะทานไหม(khun jà thaan mái)" |
Ryan:[pause] So, how would you say "Will you go?" then? |
Pim:"คุณจะไปไหม(khun jà bpai mái)" |
Ryan:[pause] So, "khruu" Pim, how would you respond to "คุณจะทานไหม(khun jà thaan mái) or "คุณจะไปไหม(khun jà bpai mái)" if your answer is "yes, I will?" |
Pim:Just repeat the verb. So, Ryan, "คุณจะทานไหมคะ(khun jà thaan mái khá)," meaning "Will you eat?" |
Ryan:"ทานครับ(thaan khráp)" is "Yes, I will." So that’s the verb meaning "to eat," "ทาน(thaan)," plus the polite ending "ครับ(khráp)." The subject can be left out of the sentence when it’s obvious. |
Pim:"คุณจะไปไหมคะ(khun jà bpai mái khá)," meaning "Will you go?" |
Ryan:"ไปครับ(bpai khráp)," meaning "Yes, I will." |
Pim:"เยี่ยมมากค่ะ(yîiam mâak khâ)," which means "Well done!" |
Ryan:What about if I want to say "No, I will not?" |
Pim:Easy! Just like what you learned in the last lesson, you just place the word "ไม่(mâi)" in front of the verb. So, Ryan, "คุณจะทานไหมคะ(khun jà thaan mái khá)," which is "Will you eat?" |
Ryan:"ไม่ทานครับ(mâi thaan khráp)," which means "No, I will not." |
Pim:Very good! |
Ryan:Okay. Listeners, now, it’s time for a review! So how would you say "I will go" in Thai? [pause] "Khruu" Pim, the answer is? |
Pim:"ผมจะไป(phŏm jà bpai)" for males or "ดิฉันจะไป(di-chăn jà bpai)" for females. |
Ryan:And how would you ask "Will you go?" [pause] The answer is? |
Pim:"คุณจะไปไหม(khun jà bpai mái)" |
Ryan:And the last one. How would you reply "Yes, I’ll go" or "No, I won’t go?" [pause] "Khruu" Pim, the answer is? |
Pim:"ไป(bpai)" or "ไม่ไป(mâi bpai)" |
Ryan:Okay. That’s all for this lesson. |
Pim:"มีคำถามอะไรไหมคะ(mii kham-thăam a-rai mái khá)" |
Ryan:"Do you have any questions?" |
Pim:If you do, please ask us in the comment section. "แล้วพบกันใหม่ค่ะ(láaeo phóp gan mài khâ)" |
Ryan:"See you next time!" |
Wrap-up |
Ryan:That just about does it for today. |
Ryan:Before we go, we want to tell you about a way to improve your pronunciation drastically. |
Pim:The voice-recording tool! |
Ryan:Yes, the voice-recording too... |
Pim:Record your voice with a click of a button, |
Ryan:...and then play it back just as easily. |
Pim:Record and listen. Then... |
Ryan:Compare it to the native speakers... |
Pim:...and adjust your pronunciation! |
Ryan:This will help you improve your pronunciation fast! |
Ryan:Bye. |
Pim:สวัสดีค่ะ(sà-wàt-dii khâ) |