
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Welcome to 3-Minute Thai Season 1, Lesson 4 - Asking How Someone Is. In this lesson, you'll learn how to ask and answer the question How are you? in Thai.
Eric: Here's the way to ask "How are you?" in Thai.
Jay: [Normal] คุณสบายดีไหมครับ (khun sà-baai-dii mǎi khráp)
Eric: Note that this is for male speakers because it has the particle.
Jay: khráp
Eric: at the end. If you’re a female speaker, use the particle.
Jay: khâ
Eric: ...instead. Listen to the entire question once more. “How are you?” in Thai is
Jay: [Normal] คุณสบายดีไหมครับ (khun sà-baai-dii mǎi khráp)
Eric: First is a pronoun meaning "you” politely.
Jay: [Normal] คุณ [Slow] คุณ (khun)
Eric: Next comes the word meaning “fine"
Jay: [Normal] สบายดี [Slow] สบายดี(sà-baai-dii)
Eric: Followed by a particle that indicates a yes or no question.
Jay: [Normal] ไหม [Slow] ไหม(mǎi)
Eric: And lastly, the polite sentence ending for men.
Jay: [Normal] ครับ [Slow] ครับ(khráp)
Eric: Note the rising intonation. Listen again to the question meaning "How are you?"
Jay: [Slow] คุณสบายดีไหมครับ [Normal] คุณสบายดีไหมครับ
Eric: Now, imagine you were asked the question “How are you?” Here's the formal way to respond, "I’m fine" if you are a female speaker.
Jay: [Normal] ดิฉันสบายดีค่ะ(dì-chǎn sà-baai dii khâ)
Eric: First is a pronoun meaning "I" for women.
Jay: [Normal] ดิฉัน [Slow] ดิฉัน (dì-chǎn)
Eric: Then comes the word meaning "fine"
Jay: [Normal] สบายดี [Slow] สบายดี(sà-baai-dii)
Eric: And last is the polite sentence ending for women.
Jay: [Normal] ค่ะ [Slow] ค่ะ(Khâ)
Eric: Note again the rising intonation. Listen again to the formal response "I’m fine" as a female speaker.
Jay: [Slow] ดิฉันสบายดีค่ะ [Normal] ดิฉันสบายดีค่ะ
Eric: Now let’s cover the way to respond "I’m fine" for male speakers.
Jay: [Normal] ผมสบายดีครับ(phǒm sà-baai-dii khráp)
Eric: First is a pronoun meaning "I" for men.
Jay: [Normal] ผม [Slow] ผม(phǒm)
Eric: Next comes the word meaning "fine"
Jay: [Normal] สบายดี [Slow] สบายดี(sà-baai-dii)
Eric: And last is the polite sentence ending for men.
Jay: [Normal] ครับ [Slow] ครับ(khráp)
Eric: Listen again to the response meaning "I’m fine" for male speakers.
Jay: [Slow] ผมสบายดีครับ [Normal] ผมสบายดีครับ
Eric: Here's the way to respond, "I’m sick." if you are a male speaker.
Jay: [Normal] ผมไม่สบายครับ(phǒm mâi sà-baai khráp)
Eric: First is a pronoun meaning "I" for men.
Jay: [Normal] ผม [Slow] ผม(phǒm)
Eric: Next is the word meaning "not"
Jay: [Normal] ไม่ [Slow] ไม่(mâi)
Eric: Then comes the word meaning "fine"
Jay: [Normal] สบาย [Slow] สบาย(sà-baai)
Eric: And last is the polite sentence ending for men.
Jay: [Normal] ครับ [Slow] ครับ(khráp)
Eric: Listen again to the response meaning "I’m sick." for male speakers.
Jay: [Slow] ผมไม่สบายครับ [Normal] ผมไม่สบายครับ
Cultural Insight
Eric: Now it's time for a quick cultural insight.
Jay: In Thai, you can use the same verb to say both "I am fine" and “I am sick.” The verb Sà-baai means “fine,” and you can change its meaning from “fine” to “sick” by simply adding the prefix mâi, meaning “no” or “not”. You say sà-baai to mean “fine” and mâi sà-baai to mean “sick”. Literally, it means “not fine.” It’s easy to remember, right?


Eric: And that's all for this lesson. Don't forget to check out the lesson notes, and we'll see you in the next lesson!
Jay: สวัสดี ค่ะ

