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The Best Guide for Learning Thai Compliments

Everyone loves compliments. A compliment can make someone feel good, boost self-confidence, and improve the quality of relationships. So as a Thai learner, you should know a few basic Thai compliments to brighten someone’s day. In this lesson, you’ll learn about compliments in the Thai language and how to use them. We’ll begin by covering the vocabulary aspect of common Thai compliments for beginners, and then we’ll show you how to apply them in various situations. Let’s get started. Table of Contents Basic Information About Compliments in Thai Thai Compliments on Someone’s Look Thai Compliments on Someone’s Work Thai Compliments on Someone’s Skill Conclusion 1. Basic Information About Compliments in Thai Before you... Show more

Best Guide to Learn Thai Angry Phrases

Imagine that you’re pissed. The anger fills up your body. You’re annoyed, and you just feel like hitting something. Naturally, you want to let your anger out, and one way to do so is through words. In this lesson, you’ll learn about how to express that you’re angry in Thai. Learning the most common angry Thai phrases is not only a great way to learn new sentence patterns and see Thai grammar at work, but it will also help you understand more about Thai people’s behavior when angry. Throughout this lesson, you’ll see that the way Thai people convey their anger through words is different from how people in other cultures do so. In this lesson, we’ll first teach you basic Thai words for anger that you should know, and how Thai people... Show more

Life Event Messages: Learn Happy Birthday in Thai & More!

People are pretty much the same. We’re born, live our life, and in the end, we die. However, the life events people celebrate and experience around the world are not always the same. This is because each country has its own culture, traditions, and beliefs, which causes people the world over to pay attention to different events in life. In this lesson, you’ll get to learn about life events in Thai. will teach you about important life events in Thailand, what happens during those events, and what you’re supposed to say (like Happy Birthday in Thai or how to wish a happy new year in Thai). As mentioned earlier, these events are influenced by culture, tradition, and beliefs, so you’ll also get to learn more about Thai people... Show more

Celebrating the Songkran Festival in Thailand

Songkran Day, otherwise known as the Songkran Festival or Songkran Water Festival, is a unique Thai tradition that takes place in early spring each year. In this article, you’ll learn what the Songkran Festival is all about, how Thai people celebrate this holiday, and more! Let’s get started. 1. What is Songkran Day? The Songkran holiday in Thailand is a three-day celebration period. During the Songkran Festival, Thai people are able to get much-needed rest and relaxation from work or school, as well as plenty of play-time! This holiday is also a period of blessings and a time to ทำบุญ (tham-bun), or "make merit." The Songkran Festival is a tradition that is not only present in Thailand but also in other Southeast Asian... Show more

Best Guide for Learning the Weather in Thai

วันนี้อากาศดีจังเลยนะ (wan-níi aa-gàat dii jang looei ná) means "The weather is nice today," in Thai. It’s a nice way to start a comfortable conversation with strangers or those you don’t know well. Apart from this, learning about weather is a good idea, as weather is a part of our daily lives. One way or another, it affects us. For those who live in Thailand, weather definitely affects them. So what’s the weather like in Thailand? Since Thailand is not a small country, the weather varies in different parts of the country. Weather in Bangkok, Thailand is different from the weather in Pattaya and Phuket. Further, the weather that Thailand experiences changes from month to month. Still, most of the time, the weather in Thailand is... Show more

List of Thai Adjectives You Must Know

Why should you learn Thai adjectives? The adjective is a very important part of any language. It enables clear and detailed communication, and by using Thai adjectives, you can communicate in Thai like a native. Thus, learning Thai adjectives is a must for all Thai learners. Both Thai adjectives and adverbs are used to add detail to a sentence, but in this article, we’ll only focus on Thai adjectives. Let’s start our lesson by answering the question, "How do you say adjective in Thai?" คำคุณศัพท์ (kham khun-ná-sàp) is "adjective" in Thai, and like in every language, adjectives are descriptive words. This article will make learning descriptive Thai adjectives easy! For your information, there are actually many types of Thai... Show more

Netflix Thailand: Watch Good Thai Movies to Learn Thai

Despite your willingness to learn the Thai language, traditional learning methods such as reading books and memorizing new vocabulary can be extremely boring. What’s a better way to learn the Thai language? As you may have guessed, watching Thai movies or shows on Netflix (Thailand) is the best way to do so. You can watch Thai Netflix on the app or on your web browser. Even better? The Thai Netflix price is very cheap, as low as 105 Baht/month. Now, you may wonder if you’ll be able to understand what you’re watching if you’ve just started learning Thai. Does Netflix have Thai subtitles? The answer is yes! And even if you can’t read Thai yet, watching Thai Netflix series or Thai Netflix movies is still good practice for Thai learners. ... Show more

Best Guide to Learn Connecting Words in Thai

Knowing Thai conjunction words enables you to communicate clearly and also makes your conversation sound smooth. Thus, connecting words in Thai are an important aspect of the Thai language. By learning them, you’ll be able to communicate like a native. To help you master your Thai conjunctions, we’ll outline several key points in this article: Thai conjunctions definition A Thai conjunctions list with detailed explanations of each one Thai conjunctions in sentences and how to use them Are you ready to learn Thai conjunctions? Let’s get started! Table of Contents Conjunctions in Thai Thai Conjunctions Used to Link Sentences with Similar Meanings Thai Conjunctions Used to Express Opposition Thai Conjunctions Used to... Show more

Trut Chin: The Chinese New Year Festival in Thailand!

The Chinese New Year celebration in Thailand is an important day for the ไทยเชื้อสายจีน (thai-chúuea-săai-jiin), or "Thai-Chinese," population. Thailand during the Chinese New Year may put one in mind of Christmastime in many Western cultures with all of its colorful festivities, warm family time, and gift-giving. In this article, you’ll learn all about this traditional holiday, how the Thai-Chinese celebrate it, and more facts about the Thai-Chinese population in Thailand. At, it’s our aim to ensure that every aspect of your language-learning journey is both fun and informative—starting with this article! Ready? Let’s get started. 1. What is the Chinese New Year? Trut Chin is the traditional... Show more

Thai Customs: Best Guide to Etiquette in Thailand

Those who have been to many countries are likely to know that people, despite being the same in many aspects, are different because of culture, customs, and values. Everyone has to eat, sleep, and interact with other people. So how do these actions differ in Thailand, compared to elsewhere? If you need to interact with Thai people or plan on living in Thailand, knowing about Thailand customs, culture facts, social values, beliefs, and traditions is essential. To fit in with the rest of the Thai population and show respect, you need to know about them, especially Thai culture and etiquette. In this article, will teach you about Thai etiquette in daily life situations, such as Thai eating etiquette, Thai funeral etiquette,... Show more