Archive for the 'Thai Translation' Category
March 18, 2021
An Easy-Breezy Thai Grammar Guide
In many languages, หลักภาษา (lhàk-phaa-sǎa), or "grammar," is one of the most difficult aspects to learn. Fortunately for you, Thai grammar is notorious for its relatively simple rules and structures when compared to other languages.
Still, if you’re thinking about learning Thai or have recently started, you may have several questions concerning Thai grammar: Are there a lot of Thai grammar rules? Should I learn the Thai alphabet and grammar together, or would it be too hard? On this page, you’ll get answers to all of your Thai grammar questions.
→ Keep in mind that if you want to explore this topic further, has more resources for you: Introduction to Thai Grammar and Painless Thai Grammar. Check them out!
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March 4, 2021
Popular Thai Quotes and Proverbs
When learning a language, you’re bound to come across a word or phrase that truly impresses you. Language learning is about so much more than figuring out how to communicate; it’s also about discovering a culture that’s different from yours and becoming immersed in a new way of thinking.
Since you’re learning Thai, it makes sense to study Thai quotes. In addition to picking up some of the language, you can gain insight about Thai values and beliefs from these words of wit and wisdom. In particular, you’ll find that many Thai quotes are influenced by Buddhism, the country’s main religion.
In this lesson, will present you with a list of Thai quotes in English that you should know. From Thai motivational quotes to... Show more
July 31, 2020
Guide to Thai Time: How to Ask for the Time in Thai & More
Time is an important part of our life. Thus, it makes sense for Thai learners to learn how to ask for and give the time in Thai. Knowing Thai time phrases enables you to plan your schedule, make appointments, and better understand Thai conversations.
Telling Thai time is pretty different from doing so in English. Most of the words and phrases we’re going to look at aren’t difficult to understand, but you will need some time to get used to using them. For example, you don’t have to worry about remembering a.m. or p.m. in Thai because there is none. And we can also assure you that the way Thai people tell time is pretty straightforward, so it’s not hard to remember.
In this lesson, we’ll teach you basic time-related vocabulary... Show more
January 6, 2020
Thai Customs: Best Guide to Etiquette in Thailand
Those who have been to many countries are likely to know that people, despite being the same in many aspects, are different because of culture, customs, and values. Everyone has to eat, sleep, and interact with other people. So how do these actions differ in Thailand, compared to elsewhere?
If you need to interact with Thai people or plan on living in Thailand, knowing about Thailand customs, culture facts, social values, beliefs, and traditions is essential. To fit in with the rest of the Thai population and show respect, you need to know about them, especially Thai culture and etiquette.
In this article, will teach you about Thai etiquette in daily life situations, such as Thai eating etiquette, Thai funeral etiquette,... Show more
December 20, 2019
Thai Dates: Best Guide for Learning Dates in Thailand
Time is very important, and is a significant part of our daily lives. Thus, when learning any language, it’s essential to learn about dates and time in that language. In this case, knowing Thai dates and how to tell time in Thai will improve your Thai conversation. It will also enable you to make appointments and manage your time well while in Thailand.
This article will teach you how to write dates in Thai, how to say the months in Thai, and basic sentences you can use in conversations to talk about dates or make appointments. To sum up, after finishing this article, you’ll know everything about Thai dates, Thai days, Thai months, and Thai years. Some parts of this lesson may be hard, but others are very easy (especially if you have... Show more
November 21, 2019
Thai Phrases to Know When Traveling
Most people love to travel. It's nice to see new things and to learn how people in other places live. It's exciting to try new foods and traditional clothes of other nations. Simply put, there are a lot of things to learn and try while traveling. For those of you who love Thailand and get to work or learn there, traveling in Thailand is something you don't want to miss. Before you do, though, there are some Thai phrases to know when traveling to Thailand.
For instance, once you leave the bigger cities in Thailand, you may find that most Thai people don't speak English. So if you know basic Thai phrases for travelers, your life will be so much easier. The common Thai phrases for travelers that will provide for you in this... Show more
May 24, 2019
Fun 2-in-1 Activity: Watching Thai Movies while Learning the Thai Language
If you can learn the language from reading books, listening to songs, or watching television, there’s no reason you can’t learn the Thai language through movies. If you like watching movies, this can be a fun way to learn and practice the Thai language. We recommend that you make it your hobby to watch Thai movies that you enjoy, whether once a week or twice a month. If you have no idea about which movies to try out, this is the place for you. Here you’ll find our Thai movies list of 2018, including Thai movies with English subtitles to learn Thai! Here are some tips to improve your pronunciation while watching movies in Thai.
** If you want to learn dialogue related to Thai movies, click here.
Table of Contents
Thai Movies... Show more
April 19, 2019
Enjoy Learning Thai through Thai TV shows
Learning the Thai language through lessons alone can be boring sometimes. Good news for everyone: There’s another fun way of learning the Thai language—watching Thai TV shows. After the coming of TV digital, there are tons of Thai TV shows for everybody to watch...soap operas, dramas, TV series, news, variety shows about lifestyle, cooking, travelling, and the list goes on.
You can choose to learn the Thai language from Thai TV shows that best fit your tastes. And with internet, despite living outside of Thailand, you can watch Thai TV live (for some TV shows) or watch Thai TV online for free after the show is broadcasted. Now, it’s really just a matter of finding the best TV shows to learn Thai!
Table of Contents
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December 26, 2017
How to Say Happy New Year in Thai & New Year Wishes
Learn all the Thai New Year wishes online, in your own time, on any device! Join ThaiPod101 for a special Thai New Year celebration!
Can you relate to the year passing something like this: “January, February, March - December!”? Many people do! Quantum physics teaches us that time is relative, and few experiences illustrate this principle as perfectly as when we reach the end of a year. To most of us, it feels like the old one has passed in the blink of an eye, while the new year lies ahead like a very long journey! However, New Year is also a time to celebrate beginnings, and to say goodbye to what has passed. This is true in every culture, no matter when New Year is celebrated.
So, how do you say Happy New Year in Thai? Let a... Show more
December 14, 2017
How to Say ‘Merry Christmas’ in Thai
Do you know any ways to wish someone a ‘Merry Christmas’ in Thai? ThaiPod101 brings you easy-to-learn translations and the correct pronunciation of Thai Christmas phrases!
Christmas is the annual commemorative festival of Christ’s birth in the Western Christian Church. It takes place on December 25th and is usually celebrated with much food and fanfare! However, not all cultures celebrate Christmas. In some countries, Christmas is not even a public holiday! However, many countries have adapted Christmas and its religious meaning to tally with their own beliefs, or simply in acknowledgment of the festival’s importance to other cultures. If you want to impress native Thai speakers with culturally-appropriate Christmas phrases and... Show more