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Archive for the 'Thai Culture' Category

How to Celebrate Chulalongkorn Day in Thailand

King Chulalongkorn is a much-loved and respected figure in Thailand, so each year, Thai people celebrate Chulalongkorn Day. In this article, you’ll learn why this king is held in such high regard, all the good he did for Thailand, and how the country goes about remembering King Chulalongkorn. At, we hope to make every aspect of your language-learning journey both fun and informative! 1. What is Chulalongkorn Day? On Chulalongkorn Day, Thailand remembers and honors King Rama V, also known as King Chulalongkorn. This king is one of the most beloved and respected figures in the history of Thailand, known for his great favors to the country. King Chulalongkorn & His Accomplishments for Thailand ... Show more

Best Guide on How to Say Sorry in the Thai Language

When you do something wrong, you apologize. When you accidentally hurt someone, you say sorry. When you want to get a waitress’ attention, you say “Excuse me.” When you see someone who’s feeling sad because of a bad situation they face, you say you’re sorry for them. “Sorry” is one of the basic words you use in daily life and is one of the first words you learn when you start learning any language. And this article will teach you how to say sorry in Thai (because to learn sorry when living in Thailand would be tough!). How do I say sorry in Thai? Well, this topic is easy. In Thai, when you want to show your empathy, give your condolences, or show that you feel bad or sorry for what you did, there are a few words Thai people use... Show more

The Best Thai Slang Dictionary for all Thai Learners

If you’ve been studying Thai for some time, you’ve likely found that you naturally start to understand basic words, sentences, and conversations. However, you may come across some sentences from time to time that make you ask yourself “Do I understand this correctly?” or “Is the Thai language really this weird?” For example, อย่าลำไย (yàa lam-yai) means “Don’t longan.” Doesn’t really make sense, right? There’s also a chance that you’ve found some words you don’t know, so you try to find their meaning in the dictionary, but can’t find anything. If either of these scenarios is the case, you may have come across Thai slang. Despite not being grammatically correct or accepted as real Thai words, Thai people use Thai slang words a lot... Show more

Thailand Language Day: Celebrating the Thai Language

If we were to ask you, "What language is spoken in Thailand?" you would, of course, answer "Thai!" But did you know Thailand has a day set aside to celebrate the Thai language and encourage its use? Thailand Language Day is a unique facet of Thai culture, and you’ll see why once you’ve read up on its history. What could make your Thai language-learning more meaningful than discovering its history and significance in Thailand today? In this article, we’ll be going over some information on the history of modern Thai written language and its journey as the national language of Thailand, as well as celebrations that take place on Thai Language Day (including learning how to make Thai desserts!). At, we hope to make... Show more

Fun 2-in-1 Activity: Watching Thai Movies while Learning the Thai Language

If you can learn the language from reading books, listening to songs, or watching television, there’s no reason you can’t learn the Thai language through movies. If you like watching movies, this can be a fun way to learn and practice the Thai language. We recommend that you make it your hobby to watch Thai movies that you enjoy, whether once a week or twice a month. If you have no idea about which movies to try out, this is the place for you. Here you’ll find our Thai movies list of 2018, including Thai movies with English subtitles to learn Thai! Here are some tips to improve your pronunciation while watching movies in Thai. ** If you want to learn dialogue related to Thai movies, click here. Table of Contents Thai Movies... Show more

Royal Ploughing Ceremony in Sanam Luang, Thailand

In Sanam Luang, Thailand, the Thai Royal Ploughing Ceremony takes place each year. When it comes to the Royal Ploughing Ceremony, Bangkok may consider this the most important of all Sanam Luang events, considering the high place agriculture in Thailand holds. In learning about this Thai ceremony, you’re gaining a deeper understanding of what agriculture in Thailand looks like, and of Thai culture as a whole. Any language learner can tell you that having sound knowledge of your target language’s country is the most important step in the journey. At, we hope to make this learning experience an invaluable one, both fun and insightful. Let’s get started and delve into this Royal Ploughing Day! 1. What is Royal... Show more

What is Chakri Memorial Day in Thailand?

What is Chakri Day in Thailand, and why should you learn about it? During Chakri Day, Thailand royal family members and the rest of the population take time to commemorate the Chakri Dynasty’s first king, King Rama I. It’s a day to celebrate and remember the peace and overall success that King Rama I brought to Thailand, including his decision to move its capital to Bangkok. Learning about Chakri Day’s meaning will give you a good look at Thailand’s past, which in turn offers you insight into the country’s culture today. And as many language-learners can vouch for, understanding a country’s culture is a vital step in mastering the language. At, we hope to make this learning experience both fun and informative as... Show more

How to Celebrate Magha Puja Day in Thailand

It’s likely no surprise to you that in Thailand, Buddha and Buddhism are held in high regard. Thus, the Buddhist holiday Magha Puja (also known as Makha Bucha or Makha Bucha Day) is celebrated each year in commemoration of Buddha’s Ovadha Patimokha, or list of principles. By learning about Makha Puja Day in Thailand, you’re showing respect toward the country whose language you seek to learn and are, indeed, providing yourself with the context you need to better understand it. Here at, we seek to help you understand all you need to know about Thai culture. In this article, we’ll be going more in depth on Magha Puja Day and hope you enjoy learning all of its little facets and traditions. Let’s begin! 1. What is... Show more

How to Say I Love You in Thai – Romantic Word List

Do you often feel lonely and sad? Do you long for romance and are willing to do whatever it takes to meet that special person? Speaking another language could revolutionize your love life! So, why wait? Learning how to say ‘love’ in Thai could be just what you need to find it. Or perhaps you were lucky, and have found your Thai partner already. Fantastic! Yet, a cross-cultural relationship comes with unique challenges. Learning how to speak your lover’s language will greatly improve your communication and enhance the relationship. At ThaiPod101, our team will teach you all the words, quotes and phrases you need to woo your Thai lover with excellence! Our tutors provide personal assistance, with plenty of extra material available to make... Show more

How to Celebrate Children’s Day in Thailand

Learning about Thai holidays is one of the best ways to increase your knowledge of Thai culture, and can be a great way to improve your vocabulary skills too! In Thailand, family holidays are of great importance considering the friendly and familial nature the country possesses. So it should be no surprise that it celebrates a national Children’s Day (Thai Children’s Day), which seeks to both celebrate and encourage Thai children for who they are and who they can become. Learn more about Thai Children’s Day with, and become a master of Thai culture. Also learn some handy Thailand holiday vocabulary for your arsenal to make your trip to Thailand a breeze! 1. Why Should You Know About Thai Children’s Day? When... Show more