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Archive for the 'Thai Culture' Category

Learn Thai national anthem and its history

When you think of one country, what do you think about? Is it food, traditional clothes, language? People naturally think of things that represent that country, and the national anthem is one of them. Yes, you guessed it correctly, in this lesson, you will get to learn everything about the national anthem in Thailand. Apart from being a song that represents the Thai nation, เพลงชาติไทย (phleeng-châat-thai), the Thai national anthem, also gives some insight into the history of Thailand as well. So if you are interested in Thai culture and its history, you shouldn’t miss this lesson. The lesson will begin with Thailand’s national anthem in English, followed by the origin of the Thai national anthem and how it develops. Then, we will... Show more

Useful classroom phrases in Thai for teachers and students

Thailand is a nice place to live.  The cost of living isn’t high.  People are kind and friendly as reflected by the name land of smiles.  Thus, in each year, many people come to Thailand to study as well as to be a teacher.  You may get to teach or learn using English but it would be nice if you know some Thai words and phrases for class.  Apart from making the communication easier, knowing how students and teachers communicate in Thai gives you an insight of some culture and beliefs of Thai people as well.  Obviously, knowing only Thai educational information isn’t enough.So in this lesson, we have prepared Thai classroom phrases for teachers as well as students.  You can use these Thai classroom phrases in various situations such as... Show more

Learn Thai restaurant phrases you definitely need to know

Food is one of the basic needs of humans.  Apart from eating to survive, food plays other important roles as well.  It represents the culture of the country.  Cooking food can be an art.  Moreover, having a meal can be used as a way to build relationships.  As eating is a basic activity in daily life, it makes sense for all Thai learners to learn all the basic Thai phrases used in a restaurant.   In this lesson, we provide the most common Thai restaurant phrases for you.  Of course, those come with the English translation and many examples.  Hopefully, you will be able to learn more about Thai culture and Thai food through this lesson as well.  Table of Contents Asking for... Show more

Learn the Names of Animals in Thai

When a baby starts learning their native language, animal names are one of the first word categories their parents teach them. As a Thai learner, you’ll find it beneficial to learn the names of animals in Thai early on—this is a natural way to expand your vocabulary, and doing so will help you start conversations with native speakers. After all, who doesn’t love talking about their pets or favorite animals?  In this article, we’ll teach you the names of common animals in Thai. This includes: PetsFarm animalsWild animalsMarine animalsBugs and insectsBirdsReptiles and amphibians In addition, we’ll teach you what to call the different body parts of animals and what sounds animals make according to Thai onomatopoeia. Make sure to... Show more

Learn How to Say “I Love You,” in Thai

There are several words and phrases that students of a foreign language learn early on:  Hello. Thank you. I’m sorry. And… I love you. Depending on how long you’ve been studying the language, you might already know how to say "I love you," in Thai. But are you familiar with the more nuanced expressions, or how to take your romantic relationship a step further?  Knowing love expressions in Thai is essential. Love is one of the most important emotions anyone could feel, so you should absolutely learn how to express it.  In this article, we’ll teach you several essential Thai love phrases you can use in various situations. Whether you want to woo a Thai love interest or strengthen your existing relationship with a native... Show more

10 Reasons Why You Should Learn the Thai Language

So, you’re thinking about learning a foreign language...but you’re not quite convinced that it’s worth the time and effort. Or maybe you’re aware of the benefits bilingualism can bring, but you’re not sure which language you should pursue.  If you’re feeling stuck and need that extra push to start working toward your linguistic aspirations, you’ve come to the right place!  In this article, we’ll give you 10 compelling answers to the question "Why learn Thai?"  Some of the reasons we list can be applied to any foreign language (career opportunities and personal growth), while others are unique to Thai (familiarity with the Thai culture and better access to the country).  Let’s dig in! Why should you learn Thai? ... Show more

The Top 30 Thai Proverbs and Sayings

Thai people have been using metaphors in day-to-day life for a very long time, so it’s not surprising that proverbs are so prominent in the Thai language today. As a learner of the language, you can greatly benefit from studying Thai proverbs. Doing so will not only help you sound more like a native speaker, but it will also give you more insight into Thai culture and the way Thai people think.  In this lesson, we’ll go over the characteristics of Thai proverbs and present you with a list of the top thirty Thai proverbs and sayings you should learn. Each proverb on our list is accompanied by a detailed explanation and an example of how to use it properly.  Enjoy! Table of Contents An Introduction to Thai Proverbs Good... Show more

Bangkok Travel Guide – The Best Places to Visit

Travel is one of the reasons many people decide to learn a new language. There’s something magical about visiting a foreign country and being able to speak with locals in their native tongue.  Thailand—often labeled the Land of Smiles—is a wonderful travel destination, whether you’re learning the language or not. Bangkok, in particular, is known for its beauty and strong tourist appeal.  In this Bangkok travel guide from ThaiPod101.com, we’ll provide you with a list of the most famous places to visit in Bangkok. We’ll also give you some tips on how to make the most of your trip and go over some basic travel vocabulary you should know.  Table of Contents Facts About Bangkok, Thailand Where to Visit for a 1-3 Day Trip ... Show more

Common English Words in Thai: Do You Know Tinglish?

Because English is a global language, it’s only natural that it would influence and be used in other languages, including Thai. If you know anything about Thai culture or have lived in Thailand for any amount of time, you’ll know that Thai people are very open-minded concerning outside influences. For this reason, there are many English loanwords in the Thai language.  However, this influence has not been heavily reciprocated, and you’ll be hard-pressed to find any Thai words used in English.  In this article, we’ll introduce you to Tinglish (Thai+English), English loanwords in Thai, and more! Let’s learn Tinglish and English loanwords! Table of Contents Introduction to Tinglish English Loanwords Used in Thai ... Show more

A Brief Thai Culture Overview

If you’ve ever been to Thailand, you may have found yourself quickly becoming enthralled with the Thai culture. The culture of Thailand features some very distinct qualities that set it apart from Western culture. From the warm, friendly, and open smiles of its people to the national religion of Buddhism, Thailand will inspire any visitor to learn more about the Thai culture, people, and language.  Before we dive in, how about a quick fun fact? There is a special Thai greeting called ไหว้ (wâi) that you won’t find in other cultures. To perform wai, hold your hands together and bring them up to just under your chin. Once your hands are in position, give a slight nod. Wai is the Thai equivalent of saying hello, goodbye, or any other... Show more