Archive for the 'Thai Phrases' Category
August 26, 2021
Learn How to Say “I Love You,” in Thai
There are several words and phrases that students of a foreign language learn early on:
Thank you.
I’m sorry.
I love you.
Depending on how long you’ve been studying the language, you might already know how to say "I love you," in Thai. But are you familiar with the more nuanced expressions, or how to take your romantic relationship a step further?
Knowing love expressions in Thai is essential. Love is one of the most important emotions anyone could feel, so you should absolutely learn how to express it.
In this article, we’ll teach you several essential Thai love phrases you can use in various situations. Whether you want to woo a Thai love interest or strengthen your existing relationship with a native... Show more
August 10, 2021
Negation in Thai: Learn How to Form Negative Sentences
One of the first words a baby learns to say is "no."
It turns out that this little word will come in handy for the rest of our lives! We use it to express our needs, wants, and boundaries on a daily basis. Whether saying no comes as naturally to you as breathing or you consider yourself a people-pleaser, one thing is certain:
As a Thai learner, it’s crucial that you learn how to negate in Thai!
"Negation" refers to the act of making a positive (or affirmative) statement negative, and this is a crucial skill to have for any conversation. It allows you to tell others no, answer questions negatively, and much more.
In this article, we’ll teach you everything you need to know about Thai negation. You’ll learn about the rules... Show more
June 25, 2021
How Long Does it Take to Learn Thai?
If you’re like most aspiring language learners, you’ve probably asked this all-too-common question at some point: How long does it take to learn Thai?
Thai is not an easy language to learn, especially for a native English speaker. You’ll have to learn a whole new reading and writing system, study a new set of grammar rules, and—most difficult of all—get the hang of Thai pronunciation. Fortunately, the grammar part is pretty simple as there’s no verb conjugation to worry about (tense, mood, and gender play no role here).
Taking the language’s difficulty into consideration, what kind of time commitment should you expect?
In this article, we’ll take a look at the three different levels of Thai fluency: beginner, intermediate, and... Show more
June 10, 2021
The Top 30 Thai Proverbs and Sayings
Thai people have been using metaphors in day-to-day life for a very long time, so it’s not surprising that proverbs are so prominent in the Thai language today. As a learner of the language, you can greatly benefit from studying Thai proverbs. Doing so will not only help you sound more like a native speaker, but it will also give you more insight into Thai culture and the way Thai people think.
In this lesson, we’ll go over the characteristics of Thai proverbs and present you with a list of the top thirty Thai proverbs and sayings you should learn. Each proverb on our list is accompanied by a detailed explanation and an example of how to use it properly.
Table of Contents
An Introduction to Thai Proverbs
Good... Show more
May 14, 2021
Bangkok Travel Guide – The Best Places to Visit
Travel is one of the reasons many people decide to learn a new language. There’s something magical about visiting a foreign country and being able to speak with locals in their native tongue.
Thailand—often labeled the Land of Smiles—is a wonderful travel destination, whether you’re learning the language or not. Bangkok, in particular, is known for its beauty and strong tourist appeal.
In this Bangkok travel guide from, we’ll provide you with a list of the most famous places to visit in Bangkok. We’ll also give you some tips on how to make the most of your trip and go over some basic travel vocabulary you should know.
Table of Contents
Facts About Bangkok, Thailand
Where to Visit for a 1-3 Day Trip
... Show more
May 13, 2021
Common English Words in Thai: Do You Know Tinglish?
Because English is a global language, it’s only natural that it would influence and be used in other languages, including Thai. If you know anything about Thai culture or have lived in Thailand for any amount of time, you’ll know that Thai people are very open-minded concerning outside influences. For this reason, there are many English loanwords in the Thai language.
However, this influence has not been heavily reciprocated, and you’ll be hard-pressed to find any Thai words used in English.
In this article, we’ll introduce you to Tinglish (Thai+English), English loanwords in Thai, and more!
Let’s learn Tinglish and English loanwords!
Table of Contents
Introduction to Tinglish
English Loanwords Used in Thai
... Show more
March 4, 2021
Popular Thai Quotes and Proverbs
When learning a language, you’re bound to come across a word or phrase that truly impresses you. Language learning is about so much more than figuring out how to communicate; it’s also about discovering a culture that’s different from yours and becoming immersed in a new way of thinking.
Since you’re learning Thai, it makes sense to study Thai quotes. In addition to picking up some of the language, you can gain insight about Thai values and beliefs from these words of wit and wisdom. In particular, you’ll find that many Thai quotes are influenced by Buddhism, the country’s main religion.
In this lesson, will present you with a list of Thai quotes in English that you should know. From Thai motivational quotes to... Show more
February 11, 2021
Must-Know Thai Business Phrases and Vocabulary
Why are you learning Thai?
One of the most common reasons people learn the language is that they’re doing business in Thailand or with Thai people. This makes a lot of sense, because knowing at least the most common business phrases in Thai is an advantage in the workplace.
In this lesson, you’ll learn all of the Thai business phrases you need to get started, as well as the grammar behind them. In addition, we’ll provide you with a list of business terms you should know, categorized by what kind of situation you’d hear them in.
Improve your Thai business language today!
Table of Contents
Getting Started
Thai Business Phrases for a Job Interview
Thai Business Phrases for Coworker Interaction
Phrases for a Thai... Show more
January 12, 2021
Appreciating Our Mentors: Teachers’ Day in Thailand
Teachers are valued in every country around the world, but few nations show teachers their due respect like Thailand does. This is reflected in Thai Teachers' Day, celebrated each year to encourage the humility of students before their teachers.
In this article, you’ll learn all about Teachers' Day in Thailand, from its recent beginnings to how it’s celebrated. Let’s get started!
1. What is Teachers' Day?
National Teachers' Day is a Thai holiday celebrated each year on January 16. On this day, students go out of their way to show their teachers ความเคารพ (khwaam khao-róp), or "respect."
It was General Phiboonsongkram who first suggested the creation of Teachers' Day in Thailand. He spoke on the topic... Show more
January 8, 2021
Different Ways to Say Goodbye in Thai
In Thailand, there’s a saying we apply to our daily interactions with others: ไปมาลาไหว้ (bpai-maa-laa-wâi). In English, this means: "You should say hello and goodbye when you meet and part from each other."
If you read our article on How to Say Hello in Thai, you’re already halfway there! Today, we’re going to teach you some different ways to say goodbye in Thai so that you can end your conversations with social finesse!
By using these popular Thai goodbye phrases, you’ll sound more like a native speaker and will more easily form long-lasting relationships with natives. As you study them, you’ll also gain more cultural insight about Thailand and her people!
What are you waiting for? Start with a bonus, and download... Show more