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Learn Thai national anthem and its history

When you think of one country, what do you think about? Is it food, traditional clothes, language? People naturally think of things that represent that country, and the national anthem is one of them. Yes, you guessed it correctly, in this lesson, you will get to learn everything about the national anthem in Thailand. Apart from being a song that represents the Thai nation, เพลงชาติไทย (phleeng-châat-thai), the Thai national anthem, also gives some insight into the history of Thailand as well. So if you are interested in Thai culture and its history, you shouldn’t miss this lesson. The lesson will begin with Thailand’s national anthem in English, followed by the origin of the Thai national anthem and how it develops. Then, we will... Show more

Useful classroom phrases in Thai for teachers and students

Thailand is a nice place to live.  The cost of living isn’t high.  People are kind and friendly as reflected by the name land of smiles.  Thus, in each year, many people come to Thailand to study as well as to be a teacher.  You may get to teach or learn using English but it would be nice if you know some Thai words and phrases for class.  Apart from making the communication easier, knowing how students and teachers communicate in Thai gives you an insight of some culture and beliefs of Thai people as well.  Obviously, knowing only Thai educational information isn’t enough.So in this lesson, we have prepared Thai classroom phrases for teachers as well as students.  You can use these Thai classroom phrases in various situations such as... Show more

Learn Thai restaurant phrases you definitely need to know

Food is one of the basic needs of humans.  Apart from eating to survive, food plays other important roles as well.  It represents the culture of the country.  Cooking food can be an art.  Moreover, having a meal can be used as a way to build relationships.  As eating is a basic activity in daily life, it makes sense for all Thai learners to learn all the basic Thai phrases used in a restaurant.   In this lesson, we provide the most common Thai restaurant phrases for you.  Of course, those come with the English translation and many examples.  Hopefully, you will be able to learn more about Thai culture and Thai food through this lesson as well.  Table of Contents Asking for... Show more

Advanced Thai Phrases You Must Know

Once you reach an advanced level in Thai, you’ll be expected to understand things like academic language, business jargon, and commonly used idioms and proverbs. In other words, you’ll need to know more difficult and nuanced words in Thai apart from what’s used in daily life.   To help you get there, we have prepared this guide to advanced Thai phrases. This article covers phrases, expressions, and terms that will ensure your success in the academic, business, and social spheres. Learning this advanced Thai vocabulary is a great way to start sounding more like a native speaker in any context! Learn advanced Thai phrases with us. Table of Contents Advanced Thai Phrases for Academic Writing Powerful Phrases for Your... Show more

A List of Intermediate Thai Phrases You Need to Know

Are you ready for another shortcut in your Thai learning?  If you’re getting ready to approach an intermediate level of proficiency in Thai, you’ll find this article very useful. We have compiled a list of intermediate Thai phrases for you, so you won’t have to learn tons of individual words or worry about composing more complex sentences all by yourself.  At the intermediate level, you should be able to communicate in a variety of everyday situations. We have categorized all of the phrases on our according to the situation, so by the time you’re done reading, you’ll be prepared for:  Talking about past eventsMaking and changing plansExplaining and giving reasonsGiving reactions during everyday conversationsUsing etiquette phrases... Show more

The Best Thai-Language Podcasts for 2022

What is the best way to learn a new language quickly and effectively? Most people say that you have to be in a country or environment where people use that language in order to learn it yourself. But if moving to Thailand is not feasible, you have some other options: listening to Thai songs, watching movies or TV shows in Thai, finding a local Thai-speaking community… Still, with a limited budget and the pandemic going on, your options may be limited. This is why Thai-language podcasts might just be your new best friend when it comes to learning the language.  Learn Thai at ThaiPod101.com. Table of Contents Benefits of Learning Thai with Podcasts The Best Thai Podcasts for Learners Tips to Help You Learn Thai... Show more

The Essential Thai Phrases for Beginners

When you start learning any foreign language, it can be a little overwhelming as there’s a lot to learn and remember. It can be especially discouraging if your progress is slow at the beginning. Here’s a shortcut for you:  We have prepared a comprehensive guide to basic Thai phrases for beginners. You can use these phrases in a variety of situations; this makes them useful for language learners, travelers, or those who have just moved to Thailand and speak only a little Thai.  Let’s start learning the essential beginner phrases in the Thai language. Table of Contents Thai Grammar Rules You Should Know Basic Thai Greetings and Self-introductions Thai Courtesy Phrases and Social Expressions Basic Thai Phrases for... Show more

A Useful List of Advanced Thai Words

Have you been learning Thai for a while and want to continue expanding your knowledge? If you already feel comfortable using the language at an intermediate level, it’s time to press onward and start learning advanced Thai vocabulary. Picking up more sophisticated words and terms will enable you to understand more complex conversations and communicate more like a native speaker. To help you start strong, we have prepared this practical list of advanced Thai vocabulary words. For each word, we have included:  English translationPart of speechExample(s) of use At ThaiPod101.com, it’s our goal to make learning Thai easy and fun! Keep reading to become acquainted with the most important advanced words in the Thai language. ... Show more

Must-Know Intermediate Thai Words

Are you ready to go from beginner to intermediate in Thai?  Once you have a good base vocabulary and understand the basic grammar rules, you should focus on acquiring more advanced words.  In this article, we’ll introduce you to the most important intermediate Thai words for learners who are ready to level up. Each word has been handpicked to provide you with a variety of terms you can use to discuss more complex topics, craft longer sentences, and express yourself more completely and accurately.  Table of Contents Large Numbers Nouns Verbs Adjectives / Adverbs Prepositions Conjunctions Interjections Conclusion 1. Large Numbers The first group of intermediate Thai words you should know... Show more

Learn Basic Thai Phone Call Phrases

Who doesn’t have a phone these days?  In Thailand, nearly 90% of the population owns a mobile phone and uses it on a daily basis. While chat applications and social media have grown in popularity over the years, phone calls are still an important means of communication. It’s through phone calls that we make appointments, stay in close contact with friends and family, ask for information, and complete other essential tasks.  Because telephone communication is such an integral part of life, learning even a few basic Thai phone call phrases will greatly benefit you as a language learner.  In this article, you’ll learn how to make a phone call in Thai. We will cover a variety of phrases and expressions you’ll need for answering the... Show more