Popular Thai Quotes and Proverbs


When learning a language, you’re bound to come across a word or phrase that truly impresses you. Language learning is about so much more than figuring out how to communicate; it’s also about discovering a culture that’s different from yours and becoming immersed in a new way of thinking.

Since you’re learning Thai, it makes sense to study Thai quotes. In addition to picking up some of the language, you can gain insight about Thai values and beliefs from these words of wit and wisdom. In particular, you’ll find that many Thai quotes are influenced by Buddhism, the country’s main religion. 

In this lesson, ThaiPod101.com will present you with a list of Thai quotes in English that you should know.  From Thai motivational quotes to popular proverbs, you’ll have a ton of inspiring words to reflect on by the time you get to the end!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Thai Table of Contents
  1. Thai Quotes About Work
  2. Thai Quotes About Life
  3. Thai Quotes About Time
  4. Thai Quotes About Love
  5. Thai Quotes About Friends and Family
  6. Thai Quotes About Happiness
  7. Thai Quotes About Language Learning
  8. Conclusion

1. Thai Quotes About Work

Let’s start with Thai quotes about success and work. As work is an important part of our lives, understanding Thai views on the topic will be immensely helpful to you as a learner.

1. เลือกทำงานที่เรารัก และจะไม่มีวันไหนที่รู้สึกว่าต้องทำงานเลย

Pronunciation: lûueak-tham-ngaan-thîi-rao-rák láe-jà-mâi-mii-wan-nǎi-thîi-rǔu-sùek-wâa-dtâawng- tham-ngaan-looei

Meaning: Choose the work you love and there won’t be a day you feel you have to work.

Author: Confucius (Chinese philosopher)

2. งานทุกอย่างที่สุจริตเป็นงานที่มีเกียรติทั้งนั้น

Pronunciation: ngaan-thúk-yàang-thîi-sùt-jà-rìt-bpen-ngaan-thîi-mii-gìiat-tháng-nán

Meaning: All trustworthy jobs are honorable.

Author: Panya Nanthaphiku (famous Thai monk)

This quote aims to teach people that all jobs are honorable, as long as they are legal and not immoral. You shouldn’t be ashamed of your job, for example, if it doesn’t pay well or is a labor job—at least you’re working!

3. งานที่เราชอบจะทำให้เราชอบทำงาน 

Pronunciation: ngaan-thîi-rao-châawp-jà-tham-hâi-rao-châawp-tham-ngaan

Meaning: The work you like makes you like to work.

Author: Wattana Weerayawattanon (singer and songwriter)

I Love My Job

4. อย่าทำงานเพื่อเก็บเงินไปใช้ในห้อง “ไอ ซี ยู”

Pronunciation: yàa-tham-ngaan-phûuea-gèp-ngoen-bpai-chái-nai-hâawng-ai-sii-yuu

Meaning: Don’t work and save money to spend it later for ICU.

Author: Meethiwachirodom (famous Thai monk)

This quote teaches the importance of time management and health. Some people work too much to earn a lot of money. As a result, they fail to take care of their health and end up spending all of their savings on hospital bills when they’re older and not as healthy as they used to be.

2. Thai Quotes About Life

Are you feeling stuck or dissatisfied with your life? There are a number of Thai quotes about life that teach valuable lessons you can apply to your situation right away. (These are also Instagram-friendly!)

    → Learn how to talk about Life Events in our relevant lesson, and be prepared for any major occasion in Thailand.

5. ชีวิตคนเรา…แสนสั้นเกินกว่าจะทำให้ทุกคน…พอใจ… และเชื่อว่าไม่มีใครคนไหนทำได้ 

Pronunciation: chii-wít-khon-rao-sǎaen-sân-gooen-gwàa-jà-tham-hâi-thúk-khon-phaaw-jai láe- chûuea-wâa-mâi-mii-khrai-khon-nǎi-tham-dâi

Meaning: Life is too short to be lived in order to please everyone, and there is no one who is capable of it. 

Author: Kutto (singer)

6. บ่อยครั้ง เรามักเผลอเอาสายตาของคนอื่นมาเป็นเครื่องวัดคุณค่าของเรา 

Pronunciation: bàauy-khráng rao-mák-phlǒoe-ao-sǎai-dtaa-khǎawng-khon-ùuen-maa-bpen- khrûueang-wát-khun-khâa-khǎawng-rao

Meaning: We often inadvertently use others’ judgement to value ourselves.

Author: Phaisan Visalo (famous Thai monk)

7. ถ้าคุณไม่อาจควบคุมอารมณ์ที่เกิดขึ้นมา อารมณ์จะพิพากษาชีวิตคุณ 

Pronunciation: thâa-khun-mâi-àat-khûuap-khum-aa-rom-thîi-gòoet-khûen-maa aa-rom-jà-phí-phâak- sǎa-chii-vít-khun

Meaning: If you cannot control your emotions, they will judge your life.

Author: Jatupol Chomphunit (famous orator)

People can be irrational and act cruel when they’re angry, and end up hurting someone or having regrets about what they said. Just one action controlled by anger can ruin your life.

Control Your Anger

8. ทางไปสู่ความลำบากนั้น…ไปสบาย ทางไปสู่ความสบายนั้น…ไปลำบาก 

Pronunciation: thaang-bpai-sùu-khwaam-lam-bàak-nán-bpai-sà-bàai thaang-bpai-sùu-khwaam-sà- baai-nán-lam-bàak

Meaning: The road to hardship is comfort but the road to comfort is hard.

Author: Su Boonliang (artist)

To live your life comfortably, you have to study and work hard to be successful in work (and vice-versa).  

9. การหาความมั่นคงในชีวิต ก็เหมือนคาดหวังว่าดวงอาทิตย์จะอยู่บนฟ้าตลอดเวลา 

Pronunciation: gaan-hǎa-khwaam-mân-khong-nai-chii-vít gâaw-mǔuean-khâat-wǎng-wâa-duuang- aa-thít-jà-yùu-bon-fáa-dtà-làawt-wee-laa

Meaning: To find stability in life is like expecting the sun to always be in the sky.

Author: Win Liaowarin (writer)

Buddhism teaches that one should never become attached to things—whether it be money, assets, one’s reputation or honor, etc.—because you can lose everything in a moment. Stability in life is another thing that one can lose; it’s impossible for one’s life to always be stable.  

3. Thai Quotes About Time

Time is precious. Study these Thai quotes about time to gain insight into how Thai people view this phenomenon. 

10. สายน้ำไม่ไหลย้อยกลับ 

Pronunciation: sǎai-nám-mâi-lǎi-yáawn-glàp

Meaning: The river has no return.

Author: quote from a song

11. อย่ามีชีวิต ชนิดที่เวลาผ่านมาแล้ว…มานึกเสียดายทีหลัง

Pronunciation: yàa-mii-chii-vít chá-nít-thîi-wee-laa-phâan-maa-láaeo maa-núek-sǐia-daai-thii-lǎng

Meaning: Don’t live your life in a way that you would regret when time passes.

Author: Wongthanong Chainarongsingh (founder of A Day magazine)

12. ระยะเวลา บอกแค่ว่าเรารู้จักกันนาน แต่ไม่ได้การันตีว่ารู้จักกันดี 

Pronunciation: rá-yá-wee-laa bàawk-wâa-rao-rúu-jàk-gàn-naan dtàae-mâi-dâi-gaa-ran-thii-wâa-rúu- jàk-gan-dii

Meaning: Time reflects that we have known each other for long, but doesn’t mean we know each other well.

Author: Napaporn Traiwitwareegul (DJ)

You can know someone for years and still not really know who they are as a person. 

13. การให้เวลา อาจมีค่ากว่าสิ่งของพิเศษ 

Pronunciation: gaan-hâi-wee-laa àat-mii-khâa-mâak-khwàa-sìng-khǎawng-phí-sèet

Meaning: Giving time is more precious than a special gift

Author: Round finger (writer)

14. เวลาและวารีไม่เคยคอยใคร 

Pronunciation: wee-laa-láe-waa-rii-mâi-khooei-raaw-khrai

Meaning: Time and tide wait for no man.

Author: Proverb

4. Thai Quotes About Love

Are you madly in love with someone? Or perhaps you’re a hopeless romantic? Either way, we think you’ll enjoy reading through these Thai love quotes with English translations!

15. รักแลกด้วยรัก ไม่ได้แลกด้วยชีวิต 

Pronunciation: rák-lâaek-dûuai-rák mâi-dâi-lâaek-dûuai-chii-vít

Meaning: To get love, you give love, not life.

Author: Napaporn Traiwitwareegul (DJ)

This famous quote means that if you want someone to love you, give him or her your love, not everything in your life.

16. “อกหัก” เป็นเวลาที่ดีที่สุดที่จะพิสูจน์ว่า เรารักคนอื่นมากกว่ารักตัวเองหรือไม่ 

Pronunciation: òk-hàk-bpen-wee-laa-thîi-dii-thîi-sùt-thîi-jà-phí-sùut-wâa rao-rák-khon-ùuen-mâak- gwàa-rák-dtuua-eeng-rǔue-mâi

Meaning: “Being heartbroken” is the best time to prove whether you love others more than yourself or not.

Author: Win Liaowarin (writer)

17. บางครั้งสิ่งที่เลวร้ายกว่าการอกหัก …ก็คือการสมหวังได้แต่งงาน… แล้วไม่พบความสมหวังของชีวิตคู่ 

Pronunciation: baang-khráng-sìng-thîi-leeo-ráai-khwàa-gaan-òk-hàk gâaw-khuue-gaan-sǒm-wǎng- dâi-dtàaeng-ngaan láaeo-mâi-phóp-khwaam-sǒm-wǎng-khǎawng-chii-vít-khûu

Meaning: Sometimes, the thing that is worse than heartbreak is to get married as you hope for but not being happy in married life.

Author: Win Liaowarin (writer)

I Hope to Get Married Someday

18. มันไม่ยากหรอกที่จะพูดคำว่ารัก แต่มันยากนักที่จะรักอย่างเข้าใจ 

Pronunciation: man-mâi-yâak-ràawk-thîi-jà-phûut-kham-wâa-rák dtàae-man-yâak-nák-thîi-jà-rák- yàang-khâo-jai

Meaning: It is not hard to confess love, but it is hard to love someone with comprehension.

Author: Mahasompong (famous Thai monk)

When you love someone, it’s easy to say so out loud. However, it is hard to love him or her with comprehension; to love is to support, not to intrude.  

19. อย่าวิ่งตามใครซักคนจนเราไม่เห็นคุณค่าของตัวเอง 

Pronunciation: yàa-wîng-dtaam-khrai-sák-khon-jon-rao-mâi-hěn-khun-khâa-khǎawng-dtuua-eeng

Meaning: Don’t chase someone to the point where you no longer see value in yourself. 

Author: Napaporn Traiwitwareegul (DJ)

When you love someone, you try hard to make him or her love you back. Sometimes, you try so hard to be the person they want that you no longer see good things in yourself.

5. Thai Quotes About Friends and Family

If you want to learn how friendship and family are perceived in Thai culture, these Thai quotes about family and friends are a great place to start.

20. อย่าแคร์คนอื่นมากกว่าครอบครัว อย่าตามใจตัวจนลืมว่าครอบครัวก็สำคัญ 

Pronunciation: yàa-khaae-khon-ùuen-mâak-gwàa-khrâawp-khruua yàa-dtaam-jai-dtuua-jon-luuem- wâa-khrâawp-khruua-gâaw-sǎm-khan

Meaning: Don’t care about others more than your family and don’t be self-indulgent to the point where you forget that family is also important.

Author: Mahasompong (famous Thai monk)

My Happy Family

21. นับเพื่อน อย่านับตอนดี ๆ นับตอนที่ชีวิตกำลังแย่ กำลังตกต่ำ นั่นแหละเพื่อนแท้ 

Pronunciation: náp-phûuen yàa-náp-dtaawn-dii-dii náp-dtaawn-thîi-chii-vít-gam-lang-yâae gam-lang-dtòk-dtàm nân-làae-phûuen-tháae

Meaning: Don’t count the number of friends when your life is good. You will know the number of your true friends when your life is at its worst. 

Author: Kutto (singer)

22. เพื่อนที่ไม่ยอมหรือไม่อาจตักเตือนเพื่อน ก็ต้องถือว่าหมดความเป็นเพื่อนเสียแล้ว 

Pronunciation: phûuen-thîi-mâi-yaawm-rǔue-mâi-àat-dtàk-dtuuen-phûuen gâaw-dtâawng-thǔue- wâa-mòt-khwaam-bpen-phûuen-sǐia-láaeo

Meaning: A friend who doesn’t or cannot give you criticism is no longer your friend.

Author: Phuthathatphiku (famous Thai monk) 

To be friends with someone, you must have good intentions toward them. Thus, friends must be able to tell each other if they do wrong and keep each other accountable for their actions.

23. เพื่อนกินหาง่าย เพื่อนตายหายาก 

Pronunciation: phûuen-gin-hǎa-ngâai phûuen-dtaai-hǎa-yâak

Meaning: A faithful friend is hard to find.

Author: Proverb

24. เลือดข้นกว่าน้ำ 

Pronunciation: lôoet-khôn-gwàa-nám

Meaning: Blood is thicker than water.

Author: Proverb

6. Thai Quotes About Happiness

Everyone wants to be happy, but not everyone is happy nowadays. We hope that these quotes help you find happiness in life.

25. ที่สุดของคน คือ การเป็นคนธรรมดาที่มีความสุข 

Pronunciation: thîi-sùt-khǎawng-khon khuue-gaan-bpen-khon-tham-má-daa-thîi-mii-khwaam-sùk

Meaning: The best thing a man can ask for is to be a normal person who is happy.

Author: Meethiwachirodom (famous Thai monk)

26. อย่ามองหาสิ่งที่ขาด จนพลาดที่จะมีความสุขกับสิ่งที่มี 

Pronunciation: yàa-maawng-hǎa-sìng-thîi-khàat jon-plâat-thîi-jà-mii-khwaam-sùk-gàp-sìng-thîi-mii

Meaning: Don’t try to achieve things you don’t have to the point you fail to be happy with what you have.

Author: Saithip Montrigul Na Ayudhya (DJ)

Sometimes, you only see the things that you don’t have and try hard to get them. In doing so, you fail to enjoy the things you already have. For example, you want to be the most successful businessman, so you work so hard that you no longer have time for your family.

27. อย่าหยุดตัวเองไว้กับความทุกข์ คุณมีสิทธิที่จะมีความสุขไม่น้อยกว่าคนอื่น 

Pronunciation: yàa-yhùt-dtuua-eeng-wái-gàp-khwaam-thúk khun-mii-sìt-thîi-jà-mii-khwaam-sùk-mâi- náauy-gwàa-khon-ùuen

Meaning: Don’t drown yourself in sadness, you have the right to be happy as much as everybody.

Author: Meethiwachirodom (famous Thai monk)

You Have the Right to be Happy

7. Thai Quotes About Language Learning

To close, let’s look at a couple of inspirational Thai quotes from language teachers about language learning! 

28. ภาษาคือการสื่อสารกันและกัน ตราบใดที่สื่อสารกันแล้วรู้เรื่อง นั่นก็ยอดเยี่ยมแล้ว 

Pronunciation: phaa-sǎa-khuue-gaan-sùue-sǎan-gan-láe-gan dtràap-dai-thîi-sùue-sǎan-gan-láaeo- rúu-rûueang nân-gâaw-yàawt-yìiam-láaeo

Meaning: Language is about communication. As long as it’s understandable, that’s great.

Author: Khanatip Sunthornrak (famous English teacher)

This quote teaches that when you learn a new language, you shouldn’t worry too much about all of the details (such as grammar or accents) as it discourages you from speaking. Instead, do your best to communicate; as long as the other parties understand, that is already a success.

29. การเรียนไม่ใช่เรื่องยาก ถ้ามองอุปสรรคเห็น และทำลายอุปสรรคเป็น 

Pronunciation: gaan-riian-mâi-châi-rûueang-yâak thâa-maawng-ùp-bphà-sàk-hěn láe-tham-laai-ùp- bphà-sàk-bpen

Meaning: Learning is not hard if you know the obstacle and how to overcome it.

Author: Somsri Thammasansophon (famous English teacher)

When you learn a new language, there will be areas that you excel in and others you’re not as good at. All you need to do is focus on your weaknesses and find a good learning method to help you overcome them.

I’m Inspired by Thai Quotes

8. Conclusion

Do you feel inspired and motivated after reading all of these Thai quotes and proverbs? Does your native language have similar quotes? Share with us in the comments below.

Learning Thai quotes can be a little difficult if you don’t know much vocabulary. That said, it is a good way to familiarize yourself with the Thai language and culture. Keep practicing! 

When you feel ready to move forward, ThaiPod101.com has many more useful lessons for you, such as words about sickness or taking a trip to Tiger Temple.

Happy learning!

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