The noun is a basic component of sentences in any language, including Thai. In order to communicate in Thai, you need to know enough vocabulary to form the sentence, and this includes nouns. Thus, as a Thai learner, it’s important for you to learn Thai nouns for better communication.
While learning about nouns in Thai is essential in mastering the language itself, it can also introduce you to certain cultural aspects and traditions. For example, in learning the basic Thai nouns related to food and utensils, you can guess how people eat.
Further, in our guide about Thai language nouns, you’ll also get to learn about คำทับศัพท์ (kham-tháp-sàp), or English words that are used in the Thai language.
In this lesson, ThaiPod101.com provides you with a basic Thai noun list for words that are often used in daily life, categorized into groups for easy memorization. You’ll get to learn about nouns in Thai vocabulary, learn nouns in Thai grammar, see examples of nouns in Thai sentences, and more. Still, this lesson won’t cover the topic of noun classifiers yet, as this will be too complicated to explain here.
But before we get to all of that, let’s learn basic Thai nouns first. คำนาม (kham-naam) is “noun” in Thai. Below is the beginning of our list of the most common Thai nouns.

Table of Contents
- Thai Nouns about Family Members
- Thai Nouns about Body Parts
- Thai Nouns about Occupations
- Thai Nouns about School Essentials
- Thai Nouns about Appliances
- Thai Nouns about Technology
- Thai Nouns about Transportation
- Thai Nouns about Restaurants
- Thai Nouns about Time
- Conclusion
1. Thai Nouns about Family Members
The first group of basic Thai nouns you should learn are those about family members.

1- Father
Thai noun: พ่อ (phâaw)Example:
Phâaw châawp gin khài
My father likes eggs.
2- Mother
Thai noun: แม่ (mâae)Example:
Mâae tham aa-hǎan à-ràauy mâak
My mother is very good at cooking.
3- Older sibling
Thai noun: พี่ (phîi)Example:
ฉันมีพี่ 2 คน
Chǎn mii phîi sǎawng khon
I have two older siblings.
Additional note: พี่ (phîi) can be used for both male and female siblings.
4- Younger sibling
Thai noun: น้อง (náawng)Example:
ฉันมีน้อง 1 คน
Chǎn mii náawng nùeng khon
I have one younger sibling.
Additional note: Like พี่ (phîi), น้อง (náawng) can be used for both male and female siblings.
5- Family
Thai noun: ครอบครัว (khrâawp-khruua)Example:
ครอบครัวของเรามี 6 คน
Khrâawp-khruua khǎawng rao mii hòk khon
There are six members in our family.
**For those who want to learn even more Thai nouns for family, please check out our article about family members!
2. Thai Nouns about Body Parts

The second group of basic Thai nouns you should learn are those related to body parts.
1- Head
Thai noun: หัว (hǔua); ศีรษะ (sǐi-sà)Example 1:
Mûuea-waan chǎn bpùuat hǔua
I had a headache yesterday.
Example 2:
เพดานเตี้ย โปรดระวังศีรษะ
Phee-daan-dtîia Bpròot rá-wang sǐi-sà
The ceiling is low; mind your head.
Additional note: In the Thai language, the meanings of หัว (hǔua) and ศีรษะ (sǐi-sà) are exactly the same. However, ศีรษะ (sǐi-sà) is more formal than หัว (hǔua).
2- Face
Thai noun: หน้า (nâa)Example:
พ่อทำหน้าตลก ๆ เก่งมาก
Phâaw tham nâa dtà-lòk-dtà-lòk gèng mâak
My father is good at making funny faces.
3- Eye
Thai noun: ตา (dtaa)Example:
Dtaa khǎawng thooe sǔuai mâak
Her eyes are very beautiful.
Additional note: ตา (dtaa) can also refer to the father of one’s mother, or “grandfather.”
4- Ear
Thai noun: หู (hǔu)Example:
Mii à-rai lóe hǔu thooe yùu ná
There is something dirty near your ear.
5- Nose
Thai noun: จมูก (jà-mùuk)Example:
Jà-mùuk khǎawng chǎn gàp mâae mǔuean gan mâak
My nose looks exactly like my mother’s.
6- Mouth
Thai noun: ปาก (bpàak)Example:
ฉันเผลอกัดปากตัวเองตอนเคี้ยวขนม เจ็บมาก
Chǎn phlǒoe gàt bpàak dtuua-eeng dtaawn khíiao khà-nǒm jèp mâak
I accidentally bit my mouth while chewing a snack. It hurts a lot.
7- Tongue
Thai noun: ลิ้น (lín)Example:
กินของร้อนมาก ระวังลิ้นพอง
Gin khǎawng ráawn mâak rá-wang lín phaawng
Be careful when eating hot food; it can burn your tongue.
8- Arm
Thai noun: แขน (khǎaen)Example:
เธอออกกำลังกายทุกวัน ทำให้แขนสวยมาก
Thooe àawk-gam-lang-gaai thúk wan tham hâi khǎaen sǔuai mâak
She exercises everyday, making her arm’s shape very beautiful.
9- Leg
Thai noun: ขา (khǎa)Example:
เมื่อวานไปซื้อของกับเพื่อนมา เมื่อยขามาก
Mûuea waan bpai súue khǎawng gàp phûuean maa mûueai khǎa mâak
I went shopping with friends yesterday, making my legs ache.
10- Hand
Thai noun: มือ (muue)Example:
Rá-wang mîit bàat muue
Be careful not to cut your hand with the knife.
12- Shoulder
Thai noun: หัวไหล่ (hǔua-lài); ไหล่ (lài)Example 1:
ถ้าสะพายกระเป๋าหนักมาก ๆ อาจทำให้หัวไหล่เจ็บได้
Thâa sà-phaai grà-bpǎo nàk mâak-mâak àat tham hâi hǔua-lài jèp dâi
If you carry a bag that’s too heavy, it may make your shoulder hurt.
Example 2:
Tham-mai khon-gàae mák bpùuat lài
Why do elders often have shoulder aches?
Additional note: ไหล่ (lài) is shortened word of หัวไหล่ (hǔua-lài). Thai people often use ไหล่ (lài) more in oral conversation.
3. Thai Nouns about Occupations
The third group of basic Thai nouns you should learn are those you can use to talk about your occupation or job.

1- Government officer
Thai noun: ข้าราชการ (khâa-râat-chá-gaan)Example:
Lung khǎawng chǎn bpen khâa-râat-chá-gaan
My uncle is a government officer.
2- Businessman / Businesswoman
Thai noun: นักธุรกิจ (nák-thú-rá-gìt)Example:
Phâaw bpen nák-thú-rá-gìt thîi gèng
My father is a smart businessman.
Additional note: In Thai, นักธุรกิจ (nák-thú-rá-gìt) can be used when referring to both males and females.
3- Doctor
Thai noun: หมอ (mǎaw)Example:
Thâa yàak bpen mǎaw dtâawng dtâng-jai riian ná
If you want to be a doctor, you have to pay attention in class.
4- Nurse
hai noun: พยาบาล (phá-yaa-baan)Example:
Phá-yaa-baan khon nán jàw lûueat gèng
That nurse is good at drawing blood.
5- Lawyer
Thai noun: ทนาย (thá-naai)Example:
Thá-naai khon nán dtuua sǔung mâak
That lawyer is so tall.
6- Engineer
Thai noun: วิศวกร (wít-sà-wá-gaawn)Example:
Náawng-chai chǎn yàak bpen wít-sà-wá-gaawn
My younger brother wants to be an engineer.
7- Accountant
Thai noun: นักบัญชี (nák-ban-chii)Example:
Mâae bpen nák-ban-chii
My mother is an accountant.
8- Hairdresser
Thai noun: ช่างตัดผม (châang-dtàt-phǒm)Example:
Châang-dtàt-phǒm khǎawng chǎn chûue jaauy
My hairdresser’s name is Joy.
9- Makeup artist
Thai noun: ช่างแต่งหน้า (châang-dtàaeng-nâa)Example:
Grà-bpǎo khǎawng châang-dtàaeng-nâa bai yài mâak
A makeup artist’s bag is very big.
10- Actor / Actress
Thai noun: นักแสดง (nák-sà-daaeng)Example:
Nák-sà-daaeng khon-bpròot khǎawng chǎn khuue à-nan-daa
My favorite artist is Ananda.
Additional note: In Thai, นักแสดง (nák-sà-daaeng) can be used when referring to both males and females.
11- Driver
Thai noun: คนขับรถ (khon-khàp-rót)Example:
Khon ruuai mák jâang khon-khàp-rót
Rich people often hire a driver.
12- Policeman / Policewoman
Thai noun: ตำรวจ (dtam-rùuat)Example:
Khrûueang-bàap khǎawng dtam-rùuat sǐi nám-dtaan
Police uniforms are brown.
Additional note: In Thai, ตำรวจ (dtam-rùuat) can be used when referring to both males and females.
4. Thai Nouns about School Essentials

The fourth group of the most common Thai nouns you should learn are the ones about school.
1- School
Thai noun: โรงเรียน (roong-riian)Example:
Roong-riian khǎawng chǎn yài mâak
My school is very big.
2- University
Thai noun: มหาวิทยาลัย (má-hǎa-wít-thá-yaa-lai)Example:
Má-hǎa-wít-thá-yaa-lai khǎawng chǎn yùu thîi thâa-phrá-jan
My university is at ท่าพระจันทร์ (thâa-prá-jan).
3- Teacher
Thai noun: ครู (khruu)Example:
Khruu sôm jai-dii mâak
The Teacher Som is very kind.
4- Student
Thai noun: นักเรียน (nák-riian)Example:
Nák-riian hâam khâo hâawng-riian sǎai
Students mustn’t be late to class.
5- Classroom
Thai noun: ห้องเรียน (hâawng-riian)Example:
ห้องเรียนฉันมีนักเรียน 30 คน
Hâawng-riian chǎn mii nák-riian sǎam-sìp khon
There are thirty students in my classroom.
6- Report
Thai noun: รายงาน (raai-ngaan)Example:
Raai-ngaan wí-chaa níi yâak thîi sùt
The report for this subject is the most difficult one.
7- Homework
Thai noun: การบ้าน (gaan-bâan)Example:
Mâi mii nák-riian khon nǎi châawp gaan-bâan
No student likes homework.
8- Group work
Thai noun: งานกลุ่ม (ngaan-glùm)Example:
Ngaan-glùm wí-chaa phaa-sǎa ang-grìt yâak mái
Is English’s group work difficult?
9- Individual work
Thai noun: งานเดี่ยว (ngan dìiao)Example:
Chǎn tham ngaan dìiao wí-chaa phaa-saa thai sèt láaeo
I already finished my individual work for the Thai subject.
10- Test
Thai noun: สอบ (sàawp)Example:
Phrûng-níi mii sàawp phaa-sǎa yîi-bpùn
There is a Japanese test tomorrow.
11- Bachelor’s degree
Thai noun: ปริญญาตรี (bpà-rin-yaa dtrii)Example:
Mâae dii-jai mâak dtaawn chǎn dâi bpà-rin-yaa dtrii
My mother was very happy when I got my bachelor’s degree.
12- Master’s degree
Thai noun: ปริญญาโท (bpà-rin-yaa thoo)Example:
Chǎn yàak dâi bpà-rin-yaa thoo
I want to get a master’s degree.
13- PhD
Thai noun: ปริญญาเอก (bpà-rin-yaa èek)Example:
คนที่เรียนจบปริญญาเอกต้องฉลาดมากแน่ ๆ
Khon thîi riian jòp brà-rin-yaa èek dtâawng chà-làat mâak nâae-nâae
People who have a PhD must be very smart.
5. Thai Nouns about Appliances
The fifth group of common Thai nouns are those about appliances that Thai people often use.
1- Television
Thai noun: โทรทัศน์ (thoo-rá-thát); ทีวี (thii-wii)Example 1:
Thoo-rá-thát dǐiao-níi raa-khaa mâi phaaeng mâak mǔuean mûuea gàawn
Televisions nowadays aren’t as expensive as they were in the past.
Example 2:
Náawng châawp duu thii-wii mâak
My younger sibling loves watching TV.
Additional note: ทีวี (thii-wii) is คำทับศัพท์ (kham tháp-sàp), which is an English word used in the Thai language. โทรทัศน์ (thoo-rá-thát) is more formal than ทีวี (thii-wii). However, Thai people normally use ทีวี (thii-wii) when speaking.

2- Radio
Thai noun: ทยุ (wít-thá-yú)Example:
Dǐiao-níi khon mâi khâauy fang wít-thá-yú gan láaeo
Nowadays, people rarely listen to the radio.
3- Speaker
Thai noun: ลำโพง (lam-phoong)Example:
Chǎn dâi lam-phoong bpen khǎawng-khwǎn wan-gòoet
I got a speaker as a birthday gift.
4- Air conditioner
Thai noun: เครื่องปรับอากาศ (khrûueang bpràp aa-gàat); แอร์ (aae)Example 1:
ถ้าเปิดเครื่องปรับอากาศทุกวัน ค่าไฟจะแพงมาก
Thâa bpòoet khrûueang bpràp aa-gàat thúk-wan khâa fai jà phaaeng mâak
If you turn on the air conditioner every day, the electricity bill will be very expensive.
Example 2:
Thâa aa-gàat ráawn gâaw bpòoet aae dai
You can turn on the air conditioner if it’s very hot.
Additional note:แอร์ (aae) is คำทับศัพท์ (kham tháp-sàp), which is an English word used in the Thai language. However, for this word, Thai people shorten it. เครื่องปรับอากาศ (khrûueang bpràp aa-gàat) is more formal than แอร์ (aae). Still, Thai people normally use แอร์ (aae) when speaking.
5- Fan
Thai noun: พัดลม (phát-lom)Example:
Bpòoet phát-lom hâi nàauy
Turn on the fan, please.
6- Fridge
Thai noun: ตู้เย็น (dtûu-yen)Example:
Dtûu-yen thîi bâan sǐia
The fridge at home is broken.
7- Toaster
Thai noun: เครื่องปิ้งขนมปัง (khrûueang bpîng khà-nǒm-bpang)Example:
Chǎn yàak dâi khrûueang bpîng khà-nǒm-bpang
I want a toaster.
8- Microwave
Thai noun: ไมโครเวฟ (mai-khroo-wéep)Example:
Mai-khroo-wéep raa-khaa phaaeng mái
Is a microwave expensive?
9- Water heater
Thai noun: เครื่องทำน้ำอุ่น (khrûueng tham nám ùn)Example:
Phâaw phôoeng súue khrûueng tham nám ùn maa
My father just bought a water heater.
10- Hair dryer
Thai noun: ไดร์เป่าผม (dai bpào phǒm)Example:
Dai bpào phǒm an nán sǐi sǔuai jang
That hair dryer has a nice color.
6. Thai Nouns about Technology

The sixth group of common Thai nouns are those related to technology.
1- Computer
Thai noun: คอมพิวเตอร์ (khaawm-phiu-dtôoe)Example:
Khaawm-phiu-dtôoe khrûueang mài yùu khâang bon
The new computer is upstairs.
Additional note: คอมพิวเตอร์ (khaawm-phiu-dtôoe) is คำทับศัพท์ (kham tháp-sàp), which is an English word used in the Thai language.
2- Laptop
Thai noun: โน๊ตบุ๊ค (nóot-búk)Example:
Nóot-búk khǎawng thooe nàk mâak
Her laptop is so heavy.
3- Cell phone
Thai noun: โทรศัพท์มือถือ (thoo-rá-sàp muue-thǔue); มือถือ (muue-thǔue)Example 1:
Thoo-rá-sàp muue-thǔue rûn mǎi bao mâak
The new version of the mobile phone is so light.
Example 2:
Phâaw tham muue-thǔue hǎai ìik láaeo
Dad lost his mobile phone again.
Additional note: มือถือ (muue-thǔue) is a shortened word of โทรศัพท์มือถือ (thoo-rá-sàp muue-thǔue). Thus, people often use มือถือ (muue-thǔue) when speaking. โทรศัพท์มือถือ (thoo-rá-sàp muue-thǔue) is more formal.
4- Headphone
Thai noun: หูฟัง (hǔu-fang)Example:
Hǔu-fang yùu dtrong nǎi
Where is the headphone?
5- Tablet
Thai noun: แท็บเล็ต (tháep-lèt)Example:
Mâae châawp duu yuu-thúup phàan tháep-lèt
Mom likes to watch YouTube via tablet.
Additional note: แท็บเล็ต (tháep-lèt) is คำทับศัพท์ (kham tháp-sàp), which is an English word used in the Thai language.
6- Charger
Thai noun: สายชาร์ต (sǎai-cháat)Example:
Mâae wang sǎai-cháat wái khâang thii-wii
Mom put the charger near the TV.
7- Internet
Thai noun: อินเตอร์เน็ต (in-dtooe-nèt)Example:
Gaan hǎa khâaw-muun phàan in-dtooe-nèt tham hâi chii-wít ngâai khûen
Finding information using the internet makes life easier.
Additional note: อินเตอร์เน็ต (in-dtooe-nèt) is คำทับศัพท์ (kham tháp-sàp), which is an English word used in the Thai language.
8- Wifi
Thai noun: ไวไฟ (wai-fai)Example:
Thîi roong-raaem mii wai-fai hâi dûuai
There is wifi available at the hotel.
Additional note: ไวไฟ (wai-fai) is คำทับศัพท์ (kham tháp-sàp), which is an English word used in the Thai language.
9- Signal
Thai noun: สัญญาณ (sǎn-yaan)Example:
Bon phuu-khǎo baang-thii gâaw mâi mii sǎn-yaan thoo-rá-sàp
Sometimes, there is no phone signal at the mountain.
10- Application
Thai noun: แอพพลิเคชั่น (aáep-phlì-khee-chân); แอพ (áaep)Example 1:
Bplòot áp-dèet áaep-phlì-khee-chân hâi bpen wooe-chân lâa-sùt
Please update the application to the latest version.
Example 2:
Thooe lòot áaep mài yang
Have you downloaded the application yet?
Additional note: แอพ (áaep) is a shortened word of แอพพลิเคชั่น (áaep-phlì-khee-chân). Thus, people often use แอพ (áaep) when speaking. แอพพลิเคชั่น (áaep-phlì-khee-chân) is more formal.
11- Website
Thai noun: เว็บไซต์ (wép-sái)Example:
Thooe châawp khâo wép-sái à-rai
Which website do you like to visit?
Additional note: เว็บไซต์ (wép-sái) is คำทับศัพท์ (kham tháp-sàp), which is an English word used in the Thai language.
12- Picture
Thai noun: รูปภาพ (rûup-phâap)Example:
Muue-thǔue chǎn mii rûup-phâap maaew yóe mâak
There are a lot of cat pictures on my mobile phone.
13- File
Thai noun: ไฟล์ (fai)Example:
Sòng fai maa hâi nhàauy
Send the file to me.
Additional note: ไฟล์ (fai) is คำทับศัพท์ (kham-tháp-sàp), which is an English word used in the Thai language.
14- Email
Thai noun: อีเมล (ii-meeo). Despite ending with ล, this word sounds like ว more than ล, so I use meeo instead of meen.Example:
Ii-meeo khǎawng thooe khuue à-rai
What is your email?
Additional note: อีเมล (ii-meeo) is คำทับศัพท์ (kham-tháp-sàp), which is an English word used in the Thai language.

15- Password
Thai noun: พาสเวิร์ด (pháat-wòoet)Example:
Yàa bàawk pháat-wòoet hâi khon ùuen rúu
Don’t tell your password to others.
Additional note: พาสเวิร์ด (pháat-wòoet) is คำทับศัพท์ (kham-tháp-sàp), which is an English word used in the Thai language.
7. Thai Nouns about Transportation
Next up on our Thai nouns list are the essential words you need to know regarding transportation.
1- Plane
Thai noun: เครื่องบิน (khrûueang-bin)Example:
Mâae jà bpai chiiang-mài dooi khrûueang-bin
Mom will go to Chiiangmai by plane.
2- Helicopter
Thai noun: เฮลิคอปเตอร์ (hee-lí-kháwp-dtôoe)Example:
Hee-lí-kháwp-dtôoe sǐiang dang mâak
Helicopters have a loud noise.
Additional note: เฮลิคอปเตอร์ (hee-lí-kháwp-dtôoe) is คำทับศัพท์ (kham-tháp-sàp), which is an English word used in the Thai language.
3- Car
Thai noun: รถยนต์ (rót-yon)Example:
Rót-yon khan nán sòk-gà-bpròk mâak
That car is very dirty.
4- Train
Thai noun: รถไฟ (rót-fai)Example:
Thâa nâng rót-fai jà chái wee-laa naan
It takes a long time if you go by train.
5- Bus
Thai noun: รถเมล์ (rót-mee)Example:
Wan-sùk rót-mee khon nâaen mâak
It is very crowded on the bus on Friday.
6- Truck
Thai noun: รถบรรทุก (rót-ban-thúk)Example:
Yàa khàp rót glâi rót-ban-thúk
Don’t drive near the truck.
7- Sky train
Thai noun: รถไฟฟ้า (rót-fai-fáa)Example:
Khâa rót-fai-fáa bpai khaawn-doo thooe gìi bàat
How much is the sky train fare to your condo?
Additional note: Apart from รถไฟฟ้า (rót-fai-fáa), Thai people often call the sky train บีทีเอส (BTS), which is the name of the company that runs the sky train in Thailand.
8- Subway
Thai noun: รถไฟฟ้าใต้ดิน (rót-fai-fáa dtâi din)Example:
ฉันชอบนั่งรถไฟฟ้าใต้ดิน เร็วดี
Chǎn châawp nâng rót-fai-fáa dtâi din reo dii
I like to travel via subway; it is fast.
Additional note: Similar to รถไฟฟ้า (rót-fai-fáa), Thai people often call the subway เอ็มอาร์ที (MRT), which is the name of the company that runs the subway in Thailand.
9- Motorbike
Thai noun: มอเตอร์ไซต์ (maaw-dtooe-sai)Example:
Thâa jà nâng maaw-dtooe-sai dtâawng sài mùuak-gan-náawk
If you travel by motorbike, you have to wear a helmet.
10- Bicycle
Thai noun: จักรยาน (jàk-grà-yaan)Example:
เด็ก ๆ ชอบขี่จักรยาน
Dèk-dèk châawp khìi jàk-grà-yaan
Children like to ride bicycles.
11- Tricycle
Thai noun: รถสามล้อ (rót-sǎam-láaw)Example:
Nák-thâawng-thîiao yàak nâng rót-sǎam-láaw
The traveller wants to ride a tricycle.
Additional note: Apart from รถสามล้อ (rót-sǎam-láaw), another name Thai people use is ตุ๊กตุ๊ก (dtúk-dtúk), which is the sound of a tricycle.
12- Boat
Thai noun: เรือ (ruuea)Example:
ที่ตลาดน้ำ แม่ค้าขายของบนเรือ
Thîi dtà-làat-nám mâae-kháa khǎai khǎawng bon ruuea
At the floating market, the seller is on the boat.
13- Airport
Thai noun: สนามบิน (sà-nǎam-bin)Example:
Thooe thǔeng sà-nǎam-bin rúe-yang
Have you arrived at the airport yet?
14- Train station
Thai noun: สถานีรถไฟ (sà-thǎa-nii rót-fai)Example:
Phâaw gam-lang bpai sà-thǎa-nii rót-fai
Dad is going to the train station now.
15- Bus stop
Thai noun: ป้ายรถเมล์ (bpâai rót-mee)Example:
Bpâai rót-mee yùu dtrong nǎi
Where is the bus stop?
16- Pier
Thai noun: ท่าเรือ (thâa-ruuea)Example:
Thâa-ruuea yùu dtrong núun
The pier is over there.
17- Gas
Thai noun: น้ำมัน (nám-man)Example:
Phrûng-níi nám-man jà khûen raa-khaa
Gas prices will be increased tomorrow.
Additional note: In Thai, น้ำมัน (nám-man) can also mean “cooking oil.”
18- Road
Thai noun: ถนน (thà-nǒn)Example:
Khaawn-doo yùu glâi thà-nǒn sù-khǔm-wít
The condo is near Sukhumvit road.
19- Traffic light
Thai noun: ไฟจราจร (fai jà-raa-jaawn)Example:
Dtaawn-níi fai jà-raa-jaawn sǐi à-rai
What is the color of the traffic light now?
8. Thai Nouns about Restaurants
Do you love Thai food? Great! It’s time to learn Thai nouns you’ll need at the Thai restaurant!
1- Restaurant
Thai noun: ร้านอาหาร (ráan aa-hǎan)Example:
Khun châawp ráan aa-hǎan ráan nǎi
Which restaurant do you like?

2- Street food
Thai noun: อาหารริมทาง (aa-hǎan rim-thaang)Example:
Lǎai khon châawp gin aa-hǎan rim-thaang nai thai
Many people like street food in Thailand.
3- Table
Thai noun: โต๊ะ (dtó)Example:
Dtó níi wâang rúe bplào
Is this table available?
4- Customer
Thai noun: ลูกค้า (lûuk-kháa)Example:
ลูกค้าจะมาแล้ว เตรียมพร้อมรึยัง
Lûuk-kháa jà maa láaeo dtriiam phráawm rúe yang
A customer is coming. Are you ready?
5- Waiter / Waitress
Thai noun: พนักงานเสริฟ (phá-nák-ngaan sòoep)Example:
Khǎo tham-ngaan bpen phá-nák-ngaan sòoep
He is working as a waiter.
Additional note: In Thai, พนักงานเสริฟ (phá-nák-ngaan sòoep) can be used when referring to both males and females.
6- Male cook
Thai noun: พ่อครัว (phâaw-khruua)Example:
Phâaw-khruua gam-lang tham aa-hǎan
The cook is now cooking.
7- Female cook
Thai noun: แม่ครัว (mâae-khruua)Example:
Mâae-khruua tham aa-hǎan a-ràauy dii
The cook is good at cooking.
8- Plate
Thai noun: จาน (jaan)Example:
ขอจาน 2 ใบ
Khǎaw jaan sǎawng bai
I want two plates.
9- Bowl
Thai noun: ชาม (chaam)Example:
Yàa tham chaam dtàaek ná
Don’t break the bowl.
10- Spoon
Thai noun: ช้อน (cháawn)Example:
Cháawn yùu nǎi
Where is the spoon?
11- Fork
Thai noun: ส้อม (sâawm)Example:
Sâawm yùu bon chán
The fork is on the shelf.
12- Chopsticks
Thai noun: ตะเกียบ (dtà-gìiap)Example:
Baang khon chái dtà-gìiap mâi bpen
Some people can’t use chopsticks.
13- Glass
Thai noun: แก้ว (gâaeo)Example:
Súue gâaeo hâi nàauy
Please buy a glass for me.
14- Cup
Thai noun: ถ้วย (thûuai)Example:
ระวังนะ ถ้วยร้อนมาก
Rá-wang ná thûuai ráawn mâak
Be careful. The cup is very hot.
15- Straw
Thai noun: หลอด (làawt)Example:
Ngót chái làawt gan thòe
Let’s not use a straw.
16- Food
Thai noun: อาหาร (aa-hǎan)Example:
Aa-hǎan à-ràauy mâak
The food is very delicious.
17- Drink
Thai noun: เครื่องดื่ม (khrûueang-dùuem)Example:
อยากได้เครื่องดื่มอุ่น ๆ
Yàak dâi khrûueang-dùuem ùn-ùn
I want a warm drink.
9. Thai Nouns about Time

Being able to ask for, give, and talk about the time is extremely important. Here are the Thai nouns you’ll need to do so!
1- Today
Thai noun: วันนี้ (wan-níi)Example:
Wan-níi aa-gàat dii
The weather is good today.
2- Tomorrow
Thai noun: พรุ่งนี้ (phrûng-níi)Example:
Phrûng-níi chǎn jà bpai thá-lee
I will go to the sea tomorrow.
3- Day after tomorrow
Thai noun: มะรืน (má-ruuen)Example:
Má-ruuen níi bpen wan-gòoet khǎawng phâaw
The day after tomorrow is my father’s birthday.
4- Yesterday
Thai noun: เมื่อวาน (mûuea-waan)Example:
Mûuea-waan níi fon dtòk nàk
It rained heavily yesterday.
5- Monday
Thai noun: วันจันทร์ (wan-jan)Example:
Chǎn mâi châawp wan-jan
I don’t like Monday.
6- Tuesday
Thai noun: วันอังคาร (wan-ang-khaan)Example:
วันอังคารหน้า อย่าลืมเอาการบ้านมานะ
Wan-ang-khaan nâa yàa luuem ao gaan-bâan maa ná
Don’t forget to bring the homework next Tuesday.
7- Wednesday
Thai noun: วันพุธ (wan-phút)Example:
Ráan dtàt phǒm bpìt wan-phút
The barber shop closes on Wednesday.
8- Thursday
Thai noun: วันพฤหัสบดี (wan-phá-rúe-hàt-sà-baaw-dii)Example:
Wan-phá-rú-hàt-sà-baaw-dii bpen wan khruu
Thursday is Teacher’s Day.
9- Friday
Thai noun: วันศุกร์ (wan-sùk)Example:
Wan-sùk mák rót dtìt
Traffic jams often happen on Friday.
10- Saturday
Thai noun: วันเสาร์ (wan-sǎo)Example:
Wan-sǎo dtâawng maa tham-ngaan mái
Do I have to work on Saturday?
11- Sunday
Thai noun: วันอาทิตย์ (wan-aa-thít)Example:
Wan-aa-thít dtùuen sǎai dâi
I can wake up late on Sunday.
12- Day
Thai noun: วัน (wan)Example:
Thooe jà bpai yîi-bpùn gìi wan
How many days will you be in Japan?
13- Date
Thai noun: วันที่ (wan-thîi)Example:
Dtaawng jaai ngooen wan-thii thâo-rài
Which day do I have to make a payment?
14- Week
Thai noun: อาทิตย์ (aa-thít); สัปดาห์ (sàp-daa)Example 1:
Chǎn jà laa yùt aa-thít nueng
I will take one week off.
Example 2:
สัปดาห์นี้ เธอจะทำเสร็จมั๊ย
Sàp-daa níi thooe ja tham sèt mái
Will you finish it this week?
Additional note: In Thai, อาทิตย์ (aa-thít) and สัปดาห์ (sàp-daa) have the same meaning. However, สัปดาห์ (sàp-daa) is more formal, while อาทิตย์ (aa-thít) is used more in casual conversations.
15- Month
Thai noun: เดือน (duuean)Example:
Duuean nâa khuue duuean-má-gà-raa-khom
Next month is January.
16- Year
Thai noun: ปี (bpii)Example:
Bpii níi sèet-thà-gìt mâi dii looei
This year, the economy is not good.
17- Time
Thai noun: เวลา (wee-laa)Example:
Dtaawn-níi wee-laa gìi moong láaeo
What time is it?
18- Minute
Thai noun: นาที (naa-thii)Example:
อุ่น 3 นาทีก็พอ
Ùn sǎam naa-thii gâaw phaaw
Warming it for three minutes is enough.
19- Hour
Thai noun: ชั่วโมง (chùua-moong)Example:
Nǎng yaao gìi chûua-moong
How long is the movie?
10. Conclusion
There are a lot of Thai nouns you have to remember. Can you remember the new vocabulary from this list of Thai nouns? Don’t worry if you can’t remember them all in one go. It will take time. Just keep practicing!
Also, if you have questions related to Thai verbs, adjectives, or nouns, you can check out other related Thai grammar lessons on ThaiPod101.com. For example, you may find our Top 100 Thai Adjectives (please put the link to Top 100 adjectives, thank you) quite helpful.
Do the nouns in your language differ from Thai nouns? Let us know by leaving a comment below.
Once you learn all the basic Thai nouns, don’t forget to check out other lessons at ThaiPod101.com. There are tons of interesting Thai lessons, such as cracking the Thai writing system or learning about Thai society, traditions, and culture!