Fun 2-in-1 Activity: Watching Thai Movies while Learning the Thai Language

If you can learn the language from reading books, listening to songs, or watching television, there’s no reason you can’t learn the Thai language through movies. If you like watching movies, this can be a fun way to learn and practice the Thai language. We recommend that you make it your hobby to watch Thai movies that you enjoy, whether once a week or twice a month. If you have no idea about which movies to try out, this is the place for you. Here you’ll find our Thai movies list of 2018, including Thai movies with English subtitles to learn Thai! Here are some tips to improve your pronunciation while watching movies in Thai.

Ways to improve pronunciation

** If you want to learn dialogue related to Thai movies, click here.

Table of Contents

  1. Thai Movies
  2. Vocabulary about Thai Movies
  3. Recommended Thai Movies
  4. Fun Facts about Thai Movies

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1. Thai Movies

Movie genres

Thailand may not be famous for movies like Hollywood is, but there are still a lot of good Thai movies for you to watch. In Thailand, movies in the comedy, romance, and horror genres are very popular, so you can find them quite easily. Apart from cinema, you can watch Thai movies online—there are a few great Thai movies on Netflix—or on television. If that Thai movie is very popular, you may find it with English subtitles.

We think it’s a good idea for all Thai learners to watch Thai movies to learn Thai. You’re likely to hear various accents and get used to the normal speaking speed of Thai people. (You can’t deny that in Thai classes, teachers try to speak very clearly so that it’s easier for students to understand.) Also, you’ll become more familiar with Thai pronunciation, which will definitely improve your listening skills. Another unique aspect of watching Thai movies to learn Thai is that you’ll get to learn Thai slang and Thai culture, as well.

But perhaps the most important reason is that it’s an enjoyable way of learning the Thai language. You should be excited to learn!

Before we give you our Thai movies list of 2018, let’s learn some vocabulary related to Thai movies.

2. Vocabulary about Thai Movies

Top verbs

  • ภาพยนตร์ (phâap-phá-yon) [n.] — “movie”
  • หนัง (nǎng) [n.] — “movie” (spoken language)
  • โรงภาพยนตร์ (roong phâap-phá-yon) [n.] — “cinema”
  • โรงหนัง (roong nǎng) [n.] — “cinema” (spoken language)
  • ตั๋ว (dtǔua) [n.] — “ticket”
  • เวลาฉาย (wee-laa chǎai) [n.] — “showtime”
  • จองตั๋วหนัง (jaawng dtǔua nǎng) [v.] — “book” (ticket)
  • ผู้กำกับ (phûu gam-gàp) [n.] — “director”
  • นักแสดง (nák sà-daaeng) [n.] — “actor; actress”
  • พระเอก (phrá-èek) [n.] — “main male leader”
  • นางเอก (naang-èek) [n.] — “main female leader”
  • แนวภาพยนตร์ (naaeo phâap-phá-yon) [n.] — “genre”
  • ตลก (dtà-lòk) [adj.] — “comedy”
  • รักโรแมนติด (rák roo-maaen-dtìk) [adj.] — “romantic”
  • แฟนตาซี (faaen-dtaa-sii) [adj.] — “fantasy”
  • ดราม่า (draa-mâa) [adj.] — “drama”
  • ผจญภัย (phà-jon-phai) [adj.] — “adventure”
  • แอ็คชัน (áek-chân) [adj.] — “action”
  • ระทึกขวัญ (rá-thúek-khwǎn) [adj.] — “thriller”
  • ลึกลับ (lúek-láp) [adj.] — “mystery”
  • สยองขวัญ (sà-yǎawng-khwǎn) [adj.] — “horror”

3. Recommended Thai Movies

As mentioned above, there are a lot of good Thai movies to watch. So, we’ve made a list of interesting movies for you to choose from, categorized by genre or type. Keep in mind that in most cases, it’s pretty easy to find Thai movies with English subtitles—just a heads-up!

1- Thai Movies Based on a True Story

1. พี่มาก…พระโขนง (phîi mâak phrá-khà-nǒong)

Thai movie 2013 / Romantic / Comedy / Horror / Thai movie on Netflix

Every Thai person knows the story of แม่นาก พระโขนง (mâae nâak phrá-khà-nǒong). It’s a story about a woman named นางนาก (naang nâak). Waiting for her husband to come back from war, she died while pregnant and became a ghost. This is believed to be a true story that happened during the King Rama 4 period. One piece of evidence for this is her shrine at Máhǎabùt Temple.

This Thai film is a romantic-horror story of a woman that wouldn’t let even death tear her apart from her husband, พี่มาก (phîi mâak). This story is so famous that it’s been produced as a movie twenty times, as a TV show/drama eight times, and as a musical show four times.

พี่มาก…พระโขนง (phîi mâak phrá-khà-nǒong) is one of these movies, produced based on the story of nang-nâak. Still, the tone of this movie is different from others and it portrays the story in other ways. Instead of being scary and a little romantic, the audience tends to find it very funny, scary, and very romantic at the same time. This movie was launched in 2013 and gained more than 100-million Baht within the first week. Currently, it’s the Thai movie with the highest revenue in Thailand, more than 1-billion Baht. Its revenue guarantees that this is the best Thai movie of all time to learn Thai. So if you’re not the type of person who can bear horror movies, พี่มาก…พระโขนง (phîi mâak phrá-khà-nǒong) is a must.


Movie quote: ฉันก็แค่อยากอยู่กับคนที่ฉันรัก (chǎn gâaw khâae yàk yùu gàp khon thîi chǎn rák)
Meaning: “I just want to be with the person I love.”

Movie quote: ฉันมารอพี่ที่ท่าน้ำทุกวันเลยนะ (chǎn maa raaw phîi thîi thâa nám thúk wan looei-ná)
Meaning: “I have been waiting for you at the waterside everyday.”
Note: This is a popular quote in the story of naang nâak.

Movie quote: เค้าขอโทษนะ ที่ตัวเองตายก่อนเค้าไม่ได้แล้ว (kháo khǎaw-thôot ná thîi dtuua-eeng dtaai gàawn kháo mâi dâi láaeo)
Meaning: “I’m sorry that you cannot die before me.”
Note: Phîi mâak once said he wanted to die before his wife.

The audiences said that all of these quotes made them cry. Each one shows how much naang nâak loved her husband.

** If you want to know more about other films based on the story of naang nâak, click here.

2. ขุนพันธ์ (khǔn phan)

khun phan poster
Thai movie 2016 / Thai movie 2018 / Action / Fantasy

พลตำรวจตรี ขุนพันธรักษ์ราชเดช (Police Major General khǔn phan-thá-rák-râat-chá-dèet) was a hero in the police department. Around eighty years ago, there were a lot of bandits who robbed people, making people feel unsafe in their own house. Khǔn phan was a police officer who caught several bandits during his year of working. The superstitious elements of his story make it more interesting than most others. Until this day, Khǔn phan is still a role model for policemen in the police department.

Since his story is so interesting, it was produced as a movie. The first movie was launched in 2016 and the second one was launched in August 2018. This movie is not a biographical film; it’s a movie that portrays how Khǔn phan investigated and caught bandits who also have magic and incantation just like him. If you like action movies, these two movies are recommended.


Movie quote: สิ่งที่นายทำอยู่ มันผิดกฎหมาย (sìng thîi naai tham yùu man phìt gòt-mǎai)
Meaning: “The things that you do are illegal.”

Movie quote: ถ้าพวกมึงสัญญาว่าจะเลิกเป็นโจรแล้วไปบวชซะ กูสาบานว่าจะจับเป็นพวกมึง (thâa phûuak mueng sǎn-yaa wâa jà lôoek bpen joon láaeo bpai bùuat sá gu sǎa-baan wâa jà jàp bpen phûuak mueng)

Meaning: “If you promise to stop being a bandit and then ordain, I swear to capture you alive.”
Note: This quote shows the character of Khǔn-pan. He is strict, but he is also fair.

3. Top Secret วัยรุ่นพันล้าน (Top Secret wai-rûn phan-láan)

top secret poster
Thai movie 2011 / Drama / Biography

อิทธิพัทธ์ พีระเดชาพันธ์ (Ìt-thí-phát Phii-rá-dee-chaa-phan) or ต๊อบ (dtâwp) is a founder of Taokaenoi Food and Marketing company limited. This company produces and sells fried seaweed snacks, which are one of the most popular snacks in Thailand. What’s special about him is that he founded his company when he was only nineteen years old and within 7 years, his company has revenue higher than 1.5-billion Baht. His family wasn’t rich and was unable to give him financial support, in case you’re doubting this fact’s significance. Moreover, he was also addicted to playing games and barely passed middle school. Being successful at this young age, his story is surely interesting and even inspiring; thus, it’s been made into a movie.

Top Secret วัยรุ่นพันล้าน (Top Secret wai-rûn phan-láan) is a drama-biographical Thai film. It’s the kind of movie that should inspire you to try hard to be successful.


Movie quote: ไม่มีใครเด็กเกินจะรวย (mâi mii khrai dèk gooen jà ruuai)
Meaning: “Nobody is too young to be rich.”
Note: This inspirational quote sums up everything in the movie. If you try hard enough, you can be successful even at a young age.

2- Thai Animation Movies

1. ก้านกล้วย (gâan glûuai)

gaan gluuai poster
Thai movie 2006 / Thai movie 2009 / Animation / Adventure

ก้านกล้วย (gâan glûuai) is not the first Thai animation movie. But it is the first Thai animation movie that’s very successful and receives a lot of positive feedback. It changed the animation movie market in Thailand. This movie is based on the information from Thai historical records during King Naresuan. However, instead of portraying the story of people from that time, it portrays the story of King Naresuan’s elephant, เจ้าพระยาปราบหงสาวดี (jâo-phrá-yaa bpràap hǒng-sǎa-wá-dii) or ก้านกล้วย (gâan glûuai), from its birth to becoming the king’s elephant.


Movie quote: สำหรับนักรบ ไม่สำคัญหรอก ว่าเราจะมีชีวิตอยู่นานแค่ไหน แต่อยู่ที่ว่า การตายของเราได้สร้างประโยชน์อะไรไว้ให้กับแผ่นดินบ้าง (sǎm-ràp nák-róp mâi sǎm-khan ràawk wâa rao jà mii chii-wít yùu naan khâae nǎi dtàae yùu thîi wâa gaan dtaai khǎawng rao dâi sâang bprà-yòot à-rai wái hâi gàp phàaen-din bâang)
Meaning: “For warriors, it is not important how long we live but how our death provides benefit to our country.”
Note: This quote changes Gânglûay’s attitude toward his father’s death, and later he decides to become the king’s elephant.

2. 9 ศาสตรา (gâo sàat-dtraa)

gao saat-dtraa poster
Thai movie 2018 / Animation / Fantasy / Adventure / Action

This is the best 2018 Thai animation movie so far. It’s the story of one young man, อ๊อด (áawt), who’s destined to save his homeland. “Thai boxing” or มวยไทย (muuai-thai) is used as one of the main themes in the movie. This movie gets positive feedback in terms of production, sound, and story. It has been sold in eighteen countries and continues to offer several products such as models, art books, and games. If you want to know more about this Thai movie, click here.


Movie quote: สู้เพื่อพวกพ้อง สู้เพื่อกอบกู้ สู้ด้วยศรัทธา (sûu phûuea phûuak-pháawng sûu phûuea gàawp-gûu sûu dûuai sàat-dtraa)
Meaning: “Fight for us, fight to save, fight with faith.”
Note: This is a quote used in promoting the movie.

Movie quote: ปาฏิหารย์ก่อเกิดจากศรัทธา (bpaa-dtì-hǎan gàaw gòoet jàak sàt-thaa)
Meaning: “Miracle comes from faith.”

3. ยักษ์ (yák)

yak poster
Thai movie 2012 / Animation / Fantasy

Yák is an animation that got its inspiration from Ramayana, portraying the character in robot style. In Ramayana, Rama and Ravana have been fighting each other for many thousands of years. This movie is produced based on the question: “Do enemies have to fight each other forever?” After the war between robots, what will happen if two robots wake up with no memory and have been tied together by an unbreakable chain? The friendship between the characters in this movie will surely touch your heart. Children as well as adults can enjoy this Thai movie.


Movie quote: เราเป็นเพื่อนกันแล้ว จะทำลายกันอีกทำไม จะรบกันไปอีกกี่ชาติ (rao bpen phûuean gan láaeo jà tham-laai gan ìik tham-mai jà róp gan bpai ìik gìi châat)
Meaning: “We are friends now. Why do we have to destroy each other? How long do we have to fight each other?”

3- Horror Movies

Among Thai movies, horror films are Thai’s special. Thai horror films are known to be very scary and realistic. Also, there are many ghost stories and legends in Thailand. So if you like this kind of film, don’t forget to try watching something from this list—don’t forget that you can often find Thai movies online with English subtitles, to maximize the fear factor these films offer. Of all the movies in Thailand, the movie list below gathers all the best and scariest Thai horror films.

1. 4 แพร่ง / 5 แพร่ง (sìi phrâaeng / hâa phrâaeng)

sii phraaeng poster
Thai movie 2008 / Thai movie 2009 / Horror / Thriller / Mystery / Thai movie on Netflix

Since there are many stories about ghosts in Thailand, there are likewise several movies that portray all of these short stories. Sìi phrâaeng is composed of four short horror films: เหงา (ngǎo), ยันต์สั่งตาย (yan sàng dtaai), คนกลาง (khon glaang), and เที่ยวบิน 224 (thîiao bin 224).

Hâa phrâaeng is composed of five short horror films: หลาวชะโอน (lǎao-chá-oon), ห้องเตียงรวม (hâawng dtiiang ruuam), Backpacker, รถมือสอง (rót muue sǎawng), and คนกอง (khon gaawng). Apart from entertainment, these movies also give moral lessons.

The first movie gained 85-million Baht while the second movie gained 113.5-million Baht in revenue.


Movie quote: ความผิดบางอย่างที่เกิดขึ้น มันยากเกินจะแก้ (khwaam phìt baang yàang thîi gòoet khûen man yâak gooen gâae)
Meaning: “Some mistakes can be too difficult to fix.”

Movie quote: มันมี แต่ไม่มีจริง (man mii dtàae mâi mii jing)
Meaning: “It exists but not real.”
Note: People are still discussing the meaning of this quote.

Movie quote: ผมก็เหมือนกัน อยู่คนเดียวมาครบร้อยวันแล้ว (phǒm gâaw mǔuean gan yùu khon diiao ma khróp ráauy wan láaeo)
Meaning: “Me too, I have been alone for one-hundred days now.”

2. ลัดดาแลนด์ (lát-daa-laaen)

lat daa laaen poster
Thai movie 2011 / Horror / Thriller / Mystery / Thai movie on Netflix

This ghost movie is based on a real story. In Chaingmai, Laddaland is the grimmest and creepiest place because a cruel murder happened there. This movie is based on this story. It portrays the story of one family whose father ธีร์ (Thii) tried his best to buy a house and provide a better life for his family. He finally decided to move his family to Chaingmai in the village called “Laddaland.” Unfortunately for him and his family, a woman was killed in that village on the day they moved in. And that’s when this horror story begins.


Movie quote: หมู่บ้านนี้จะอยู่หรือย้าย เมื่อคนตายมาถึงบ้าน (mùu-bâan níi jà yùu rǔue yáai mûuea khon dtaai ma thǔeng bâan)
Meaning: “Will you move if the death visit your house?”
Note: Since Tee already invested everything to achieve his dream house, will he decide to move?

3. ชัตเตอร์ กดติดวิญญาณ (chát-dtôoe gòt dtìt win-yaan)

chat dtooe got dtit win-yaan poster
Thai movie 2004 / Horror / Thriller / Mystery / Thai movie on Netflix

This is one of the best horror movies in Thailand. Tham (ธรรม์), the photographer, and his girlfriend accidentally hit a woman while driving their car. They decided to run away from the accident, but later, they start to face weird incidents. Each photo that Tham takes has a shadow similar to that of the woman they hit. But when they try to find out about the woman they hit, they find nothing. It’s like that woman doesn’t exist. If you like this kind of story, you shouldn’t miss this movie.


Movie quote: รู้มั๊ย บางครั้งวิญญาณก็แค่อยากมาอยู่ใกล้คนที่พวกเขารัก (rúu mái baang khráng win-yaan gâaw khâae yàak maa yùu glâi khon thîi phûuak khǎo rák)
Meaning: “Do you know? Sometimes, spirit just want to be with the one they loved.”

** If you want to know more about another Thai ghost, click here.

4- Feel-good Movies

1. น้อง พี่ ที่รัก (náawng phîi thîi rák)

naawng phii thii rak poster
Thai movie 2018 / Romantic / Drama / Comedy

When Thai people first watch the teaser for this movie, we all think this is either a Thai comedy or a Thai romance. However, people seem to guess it wrongly, as this is really a drama film. The name of the movie says it all (it means “sister brother lover” in English). The movie mainly shows the relationship between brother and sister. As a sister, have you ever become annoyed by your big brother? As a brother, have you ever felt that you’re just not a good enough brother? After watching this film, people are touched by the love being siblings and many say that it’s one of the few movies that’s really worth watching. It has gained more than 146-million Baht in revenue.


Movie quote: เป็นพี่แล้ว รักน้องให้มาก ๆ นะ (bpen phîi láaeo rák náawng hâi mâak mâak ná)
Meaning: “Since you’re a big brother/sister now, you have to love your younger brother/sister a lot.”
Note: This quote shows that despite all his action, Chát (the brother) did love his sister, but he just failed to show her that.

2. ฟรีแลนซ์…ห้ามป่วย ห้ามพัก ห้ามรักหมอ (Freelance…hâam bpùuai hâam phák hâam rák mǎaw)

freelance poster
Thai movie 2015 / Romantic / Drama / Comedy

This is another Thai feel-good movie that you should watch. The name of the movie means, “Freelance, can’t be sick, can’t take a break, can’t love doctor.” As you may have guessed, it’s the love story between a freelancer and a doctor. Apart from the love story, it also shows how freelancers work and live, which is quite different from what people generally tend to think. In terms of production, you may be surprised to learn that this movie took only sixteen days to film. Still, audiences all said that its production is very good. So if you have time, this is a movie that everyone can watch.


Movie quote: คนที่คิดว่าความตายไม่ใช่เรื่องน่ากลัว คือคนที่เค้าไม่มีใครให้คิดถึง (khon thîi khít wâa khwaam-dtaai mâi châi rûueang nâa gluua khuue khon thîi kháo mâi mii khrai hâi khít-thǔeng)
Meaning: “People who think death isn’t scary are the ones who have nobody to think of.”

Movie quote: บางอย่างถ้ามันกินแล้วไม่มีประโยชน์ แต่ถ้าทำให้มีความสุข มันก็โอเคนะ (baang yàang thâa man gin láaeo mâi mii bprà-yòot dtàae thâa tham hâi mii khwaam-sùk man gâaw oo-khee ná)
Meaning: “Some food may not have any benefit to your body. But it is okay to eat it if it makes you happy.”

** About to go on a date with a Thai? Click here to learn all the phrases you need to know.

3. ไอฟาย…แต๊งกิ้ว…เลิฟยู้ (i-faai dtáaeng-gîu lóoep-yuu)

I'm fine poster
Thai movie 2014 / Romantic / Comedy / Thai movie on Netflix

From the name of the movie, you may notice that it’s weird English (it should be “I’m Fine, Thank You, Love You”). Yes, that represents Yim, the main character of this movie. For all Thai learners, you may feel a strong connection to this movie. It’s the story of a man who wants to learn English to reconcile with his ex-girlfriend who lives abroad. But he ends up falling in love with his English tutor instead. This is one of the best Thai comedies ever and you should definitely watch it. This film generated a revenue of over 300-million Baht.


Movie quote: ผมบอกเลิกผู้หญิงทางโทรศัพท์ได้นะ แต่ผมบอกชอบผู้หญิงทางโทรศัพท์ไม่ได้หรอก (phŏm bàawk lôoek phûu yĭng thaang thoo-rá-sàp dâi ná dtàae phŏm bàawk châawp phûu yĭng thaang thoo-rá-sàp mâi dâi ràawk)
Meaning: “I can break up with a woman on the phone. But I cannot confess my love on the phone.”

Movie quote: ในฐานะที่เป็นวิศวกรซ่อมบำรุง ผมเชื่อว่าอะไรที่เสียได้ ก็สามารถซ่อมได้ คุณจะเสียใจ ถ้าคุณไม่เลือกผม (nai thăa-ná thîi bpen wít-sà-wá-gaawn sâawm bam-rung phŏm chûuea wâa à-rai thîi sĭa dâi gâaw săa-mâat sâawm dâi khun jà sĭia jai thâa khun mâi lûueak phŏm)
Meaning: “As a maintenance engineer, I believe everything that is broken can be fixed. You will be sorry if you don’t choose me.”

Audiences think these two quotes are hopelessly romantic.

** Click here to learn other vocabulary words about positive feelings.
** Learn other quotes about love here.

5- New Style of Thai Movie

Most successful Thai movies are feel-good movies, romantic-comedies, or horror movies. However, recently other styles of Thai movies have been receiving positive feedback from audiences as well. Here’s a list of those movies.

1. ฉลาดเกมส์โกง (chà-làat geem goong)

Bad genius poster
Thai movie 2017 / Thriller / Thai movie on Netflix

This movie is known in English as “Bad Genius.” It’s the story of a very clever student, ริน (Rin) who uses her intelligence the wrong way. She sells test answers to her friends in exchange for money. Despite doing the wrong thing, the audience keeps their fingers crossed for her sake. Part of the reason this movie is so successful is that it portrays educational inequality in Thai society. This movie makes the highest revenue abroad among all Thai movies. So let’s find out together whether Rin will be successful with her cheating or not.


Movie quote: ไม่ใช่หนูคนเดียวนี่คะ ที่หากินกับเรื่องการศึกษา (mâi châi nǔu khon diiao nîi khá thîi hăa gin gàp rûueang gaan sùek-săa)
Meaning: “It is not only me who makes money from education.”
Note: Rin indirectly said that teachers and schools also try to make money from education (in Thai, rich parents sometimes donate to famous schools so that their child can study there).

Movie quote: ถึงเราไม่โกงใคร ชีวิตก็โกงเราอยู่ดี (thǔeng rao mâi goong khrai chii-wít gâaw goong rao yùu dii)
Meaning: “Although we don’t cheat, we are cheated by life anyway.”
Note: This quote shows very well the daily despair that some people experience. Despite trying hard, some people don’t get what they deserve.

2. BNK48: girls don’t cry

BNK48 poster
Thai movie 2018 / Documentary

You may know or have heard of AKB 48, SKE 48, SDN 48, and so on. In Thailand, we also have BNK 48. The concept of BNK 48 is pretty much the same as that of other sister groups. This movie portrays their story. You’ll get to see behind-the-scenes of these famous idols as well as hear their thoughts and feelings. The revenue of this movie may not be very high since it’s very niche, but if you’re a fan of this girl group, you shouldn’t miss it.


Movie quote: ความพยายามไม่เคยทำร้ายคนที่ตั้งใจจริง ๆ เหรอ (khwaam phá-yaa-yaam mâi khooei tham ráai khon thîi dtâng jai jing jing rǒoe)
Meaning: “Does the effort really never hurt people with strong determination?”
Note: This quote is the question to the lyric in “Sonichi Song.” It also reflects the thoughts of members who try their best but are unable to become senbatsu.

Movie quote: ทุกคนมีความพยายาม แต่ใช่ว่าทุกคนจะถูกมองเห็น (thúk khon mii khwaam phá-yaa-yaam dtàae châi wâa thúk khon jà thùuk maawng hĕn)
Meaning: “Not everyone with effort will be recognized.”
Note: This quote shows a harsh truth for members who aren’t senbatsu.

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3. 2215 เชื่อ บ้า กล้า ก้าว (chûuea bâa glâa gâao)

chuuea poster
Thai movie 2018 / Documentary

In 2017, there was a mega project that caught the attention of Thai people. To financially support eleven public hospitals in Thailand, อาทิวราห์ คงมาลัย or ตูน (Aa-thí-wá-raa Khong-maa-lai or Toon), a famous rock singer, tried to raise funds of 700-million Baht by running from the Betong district in Yala—the southernmost point of Thailand—to the Maesai district in Chaingrai, which is the northernmost point of Thailand. People cheered him on, donated money, and wished for him to succeed. It took him fifty-five days to complete his own mission and in the end, he raised more than 1-trillion Baht. That’s the story Thai people know. However, this movie shows every moment of this journey. For those who want inspiration in life, you shouldn’t miss this.


Movie quote: ความเชื่อเนี่ย มันมีเชื้อเพลิงมาจากความดื้อเว้ย (khwaam chûuea nîia man mii chúuea phlooeng maa jàak khwaam dûue wóoei)
Meaning: “Belief is fueled by persistence.”

Movie quote: ถ้าพี่ตูนทำได้ ทุกคนก็ทำได้ (thâa phîi dtuun tham dâi thúk khon gâaw tham dâi)
Meaning: “If Toon can do this, everyone can also do this.”
Note: This quote encourages everyone to try hard to achieve something, like Toon did.

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4. Fun Facts about Thai Movies

  1. Nickname for main actors/actresses: When a movie gains more revenue than 100-million Baht, the main actress will gain a nickname from the press: พระเอกร้อยล้าน (phrá-èek ráauy láan) and นางเอกร้อยล้าน (naang-èek ráauy láan). These mean one-hundred-million main male leader and one-hundred-million main female leader. For actors and actresses, this is very good for their career path.
  2. Movie Remakes: There are a few Thai stories that are so famous that people keep remaking them into movies, dramas, and musicals, such as the stories of naaang nâak and khûu gam. As mentioned above, naang nâak has been produced as a movie twenty times, as a TV show/drama eight times, and as a musical four times since 1936.
  3. Famous movie companies: The Thai movie industry isn’t an easy market. Several Thai movies are made, but Thai people don’t even know that many of these exist. It’s quite difficult to survive in this market, and if you notice, only a couple of companies are truly successful. Those are GDH 559 and Sahamongkol Film International.

To sum up, watching movies is a great way to practice the Thai language. It’s an enjoyable educational activity that allows you to naturally pick up new Thai words and become more familiar with Thai accents after a while. Luckily for movie lovers, there are new interesting Thai movies coming out every year, so you always have new good options to choose from. Apart from learning Thai from movies, there are other ways to learn Thai lessons as well. Of course, the best way is to visit for other fun Thai lessons such as those on the Thai alphabet, Thai pronunciation, or Thai words you can use in daily life.

Hopefully you were able to learn a lot from our list of Thai films with English subtitles to learn Thai. Don’t forget to look for these Thai movies on YouTube, Netflix, and other places online. Enjoy watching and learning! ^^

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