Thai Word of the Day – sleep (Verb)

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นอนหลับ (naawn-làp) sleep (Verb)

คุณควรจะนอนหลับอย่างน้อยคืนละ 8 ชั่วโมง
khun khuuan jà naawn-làp yàang náawy khuuen lá bpàaet chûua-moong
You should sleep at least eight hours every night.

dèk-thaa-rók gam-lang naawn-làp
The babies are sleeping.

dèk-phûu-yǐng gam-lang jà naawn-làp
The girl is about to sleep.

dèk-thaa-rók gam-lang naawn-làp yùu bon phâa-hòm
The baby is sleeping on the blanket.

dèk-thaa-rók naawn-làp bon phâa-hòm
The baby sleeps on the blanket.

naawn-làp sà-nìt
sleep soundly

dèk-thaa-rók thîi gam-lang naawn-làp
sleeping babies

naawn-làp bon phâa-hòm
sleep on a blanket

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