Hello! I really enjoy this site and have been having a ton of fun learning to speak and understand Thai. I'm hesitant to make this request because I don't at all want it to be interpreted as a personal attack on an individual. However, it's important, so I'll just go ahead and say it:
I'm really impressed that Ryan can speak Thai. However, his pronunciation is obviously not native and I have found myself many times wishing that the examples (at least the individual sentences in the dialogue section) were ALL spoken by a native Thai speaker. Why? Because a foreigner shouldn't learn a language from another foreigner who speaks non-natively. I remember living in Hong Kong, and what I noticed was that, though many Hong Kongers and Singaporeans spoke English quite well, they tended to reinforce and normalize each other's mistakes. One might choose to interpret this as the birth of a new dialect, but I'd prefer not to speak farang Thai. Rather, my aim is to speak as close to native Thai as is possible.
Again, this isn't an attack on Ryan. I've got great respect for anyone who takes the time and effort to learn a foreign language. I just feel like (especially since I'm paying for this service) that I should learn to speak correctly from a native speaker.